Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Say your prayers!"

When people close to you hurt your natural instinct is to help, comfort and do what you can to take away that pain.  There are times though we are at a loss of what to do.  Even other times we are pushed away.  Thing is you can't make it go away.  That's something only they can do and while time heals the heart there is always the memory of that moment that can turn up in an instant.  So what do you do?  I mean you want to do something. You can...  


Prayer is powerful!  It's why we ask for prayers, it's why we lean on prayer, it's why we know that prayer gives us clarity and comfort when things aren't going as we need them to go.  You want to help them then pray for their strength, for faith and for guidance.  Prayer is a blessing, a gift and a privilege that allows us to intercede by asking God to help them realize He is there, that we are there and they are not alone.  So pray, give thanks and be blessed... Today and everyday... 

God is always listening.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

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