Friday, August 15, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Let's Go!"

If you believe in something enough then share that belief with others!  If it matters enough then fight for it!  If you love someone tell them!  If you need someone then let them know.  If you want to reach out to someone then reach out today.  If you miss someone who has passed then talk to them...  They hear you.  If you want to live your dreams then pursue them.  If you want to travel beyond limitations then stop setting them!  If you want to be an influence then be a positive one.  If you want to be heard then speak up!  If you want others to value your thoughts then value theirs.  If you want your kids to admire good role models then be their first.  If you have a story to tell then tell it...  You may just be the inspiration someone is looking for.  

Realize everything is possible through God... But it begins by making the choice to put in whatever we must to achieve it.  He provides the path, but we must walk it!  It starts with us!  It starts with conviction in who we are and determination to strive to be what we know we can be.  It is step by step, day after day knowing we are blessed to choose the life we want to live.  It is taking God's hand and allowing Him to lead us where we should go and trusting and believing we can go there. 

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


Where are you headed?  If you are ready then today is as good a day as any to begin!  Let's go! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend. 


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