Monday, August 11, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Not According to Plan"

I received an email this weekend with the subject line "Everything that can go wrong just always does!"

Let's face it...  Life can be complicated.  We all have had those days that from the moment we got up to the time we laid down it was one thing after another.  Thing is the best made plans can be in disarray by the slightest change in our schedule.  Try as we might somethings and some people just don't seem to follow the plan we put together!  Sometimes it's subtle where we are able to carry on and sometimes it is life changing where we are blind sided and left wondering what comes next.  Honestly what comes next is going to be up to you.  Sometimes it won't be easy.  Other times it will take all you are to get up and to move forward.  There will even be those times you will question if you even should.  The answer is YES...  But that comes from you and your ability to realize that you can!  You must find that faith that allows you to see the journey for the possibilities of what is yet to come.  You must give yourself strength through leaning on prayer and those that support you.  You must be honest with yourself that things will go wrong and that things may not go as planned... But that shouldn't ever stop you from continuing to focus on what matters most by trusting that God's plan for you is going exactly as it should be. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

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