Friday, September 19, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Opportunity"

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may." -Robert Herrick 

The daily opportunity to appreciate things sometimes gets overlooked.  We run so fast through our days from one deadline to the next we rarely slow down long enough to appreciate a job well done, a goal reached or even just to acknowledge our efforts up to now.  Sometimes we even miss something we have been waiting for because we are so busy pursuing the next dream we don't even realize we are standing in one we had before.  Often times if we are missing our own achievements chances are we are missing the achievements of others.   Simple things like a pat on the back, a thank you card, even just a nod of approval goes a long way.  What seems small to us can be the lift and the motivation for someone to keep their momentum and to continue their pursuits.

"Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying"

Life will always be full of responsibilities and deadlines...   Today take a moment to say "thank you" and to appreciate not only those around you, but yourself as well.  Take the beauty and the blessings in the many opportunities you have to gather those "rosebuds"...  And pay close attention because you will find God provides each and everyone of us those opportunities everyday. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
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