Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Plans"

What's your plan?  Where are you in your plan?  Are you progressing as you had expected?  Maybe you are stuck in a rut?  Maybe you haven't really decided what the plan is, or you experienced something that has completely changed your course and you simply can't get back on track.  There are many reasons we can become distracted from the goals we have set.  There are always going to be things, people and situations that can deter us.  Plans will change, as will our perspective of what the plan should be.  Our priorities years ago may not be the priorities we have today. The experiences we have had may have given our focus new meaning...  What we thought was important to us just isn't anymore.  Take a moment and take inventory of life.  Who and what matters?  Is your pursuit today going to be what makes you happy?  Is the daily mission you are on going to satisfy you?  When adversity comes, and it will, is your determination to push forward fueled by your commitment to that pursuit?  Chances are as you take a good hard look and ask yourself where you are in your plan, you will find that you know exactly what your plan should... And knowing it is a great starting point to begin pursuing it!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

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