Thursday, January 8, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Live and Learn"

It's interesting what we learn about ourselves after a hard day.  We all have them and each one gives us something to draw from.  It's within those days we get to find out what makes us happy, sad, hurt, disappointed.  It's where we determine what and who we trust, believe in and are willing to fight for.  We are constantly in motion towards our goals and dreams even before we know exactly what those dreams may be.  We get challenged at the highest of levels sometimes, and yes sometimes it even breaks us… But yet we get up, move forward, progress.  That's faith!  That's strength!  That's understanding the significance of what matters most to us!  What we thought today was the most important, tommorrow may not be.  What we needed to happen in this instant may not have, but we still managed to function.  Life and people in it come at us.  It can change who we are, what we feel and why we feel it if we want and need it to. It's a choice.  Sometimes though it's for the better and thus it makes us better, stronger and wiser.  Life demands our attention and deserves all of it!  We get to choose the direction our life will go!  God has given us the gift of life and this journey, and while it may be hard sometimes find the good and be grateful to be able to learn, to grow, to experience and to have the opportunity to do so each and every day we are blessed to live it.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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