Thursday, February 5, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Prepared"

In life we are sometimes given opportunities to prepare for what can come our way.  Sometimes, however, we are blindsided and before we know it are in uncharted territory.  Even there it is our ability to draw from what we know that gives us the power to persevere!  Deep down exists an extinct that we may have forgotten that pushes us to be ready in those moments we must.  We won't always know what's coming, but having faith helps us know that God will give us what we need as we travel throughout this journey.  He will provide those people willing to march into the unknown with us.   He will help us realize that it's ok to reach higher than we ever have because He will reach out and pull us up when we need it most! God's gifts are limitless, but our ability to use them as He intended is what cultivates and nourishes our soul. Take the steps necessary to move forward, and never accept anything less than what you set yourself out to achieve. Transform yourself into what you want.  Use the foundations you are building to jump forward, to trust yourself and to draw upon your faith in God to believe that no matter what comes your way... You are, you will and you can be ready to become anything and everything you need to be.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

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