Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Situations"

Sometimes it's the way a situation unfolds that helps you to appreciate it.  It isn't always going to be instant.  In fact your initial reaction may be one of anger, fear, confusion, even a little guilty relief.  Then as time passes and you can truly take it all in you begin to get it.  You can see it from every angle and you look at it without the emotion.  Then it starts to take shape.  You begin to assess what it was exactly you felt and why you felt it.  You may even find that it skewed your perceptions of priority and consumed you instead of nurturing you.  So now what?  Well now it's time for you to find your way again. To take the blessings in the experience and create the next level of you.  To climb higher and to look back only to see your progression.  The necessary progression that gave you the strength, the faith and the ability to have choices today!  Nothing happens that God doesn't intend... Thus look close to find the blessings in those situations you have faced and know those blessings will be there in the moments that are still to come. Every moment helps us grow, and as our situations unfold before us so does the beauty of the opportunities that come with it...  And so we get to move forward better, wiser and blessed by the beauty of life and the ability to continue living it!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day. 


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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