Thursday, April 9, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Why predetermine?"

Can you determine the amount of passion it will take to complete your goals?  Can you foresee the exact amount of dedication and focus it will take to achieve your dreams?  While we may have an idea there is no way to know until we are fully engaged in the moment.  If that is the case then why do we predetermine our limitations?  Why do we assume we can't even before we tried?  Why do we convince ourselves we can't do something?  It's not easy, but we have to give ourselves the opportunities we have earned!  We have earned them through trials along the journey and thus we mustn't determine anything until we are there!  Once in the moment often times we find ourselves realizing just how much something matters.  Our faith kicks in and the ability to overcom obstacles is far greater than we once thought it would be.  We encounter support from others, we find strength in experience, God's blessings become more clear, we even have a tendency to surprise ourselves when we find one more push deep within.  Remember there are no limitations that aren't set by us.  So stop setting them! Instead set goals, dream dreams, engage in living, believe in who and why you are and go find out what you are really capable of achieving! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day. 


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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