Friday, May 15, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Growth"

Think about how the same moment can create different reactions from everyone in the room.  Think about how we all can look at the same thing and create a different perspective, have a different emotion and draw different conclusions from it.  Now...  Think about your view of something years ago VS today.  Chances are it probably isn't the same either. As we grow throughout our lives things begin to take on a different meaning.  We see things through eyes of experience, we feel things through a heart that knows more than it did yesterday and we understand what it means to have a priority of need rather then one of want.  That's the beauty of progression and the strength upon which we build off the foundation of faith, love and support we have nurtured over time.  God allows us the beauty of change.  He presents us with the magnificent ability to transcend who we were in pursuit of who we can be.  It's all part of evolving and developing the next level of that foundation where our faith becomes the building block that allows us to reach higher than we ever thought possible.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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