Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Daily BITUB- "The Path"

You can't see the path!  Why do you let the smallest things derail you?  Why do you let the negative person influence your mood? Why do you let a bump in the road cause you to alter your path?  There are going to be things throughout the day that you come in contact with..  You can't hide from them, and try as you might you can't avoid them either.  Should it matter though?  Think about that question...  Should it matter?  Honestly it shouldn't because deep down you know you are stronger than the bumps, the twists and turns, the run-ins with negativity.  Stop trying to run around and away from those moments... They will catch up to you!  Instead slow down!  Let them surround you.  Then look around at what you may be missing.  Isn't it easy to focus on the bad? We forget who possesses the power to think the good into any situation. We forget who has time and time again persevered through the boundaries others have attempted to create!  We forget that our faith has and can carry us through these moments.  Yes... Some days are riddled with diversions, but remember they are also filled with blessings!  Blessings, that if we allow them will keep us firmly on the path even in those moments when we can't see it.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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