Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Daily BITUB- "So now what?"

Do you feel like you are standing still? You are not sure exactly what the next step is, or even how you got here. You had plans and goals, and this isn't what you thought!  So what now? You can sit here and think about that or you can do something about it.  The choices you made put you here. So the next choices will move you from here. The key is trusting yourself to know what it will take to do that and believing you are more than capable of doing it. Our state of mind dictates our state in life. Understanding you are the fuel that ignites your passion for living will open up your opportunities to see what exactly "living" is to you. Standing still is not an option! You want life then make choices to be a part of it! Make the choices necessary to place yourself exactly where you want to be, and I assure you along the journey you'll start to discover exactly what it is you need to be! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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