Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Pick Your Battles"

Sometimes you have to pick your battles.  You have to make the decision to fight for the things that will make the biggest impact on the dreams you are chasing.  You have to take ownership of the course you want life to go.  Sometimes it's not clear.  Sometimes you aren't sure why you want things to be a certain way, why you want to get to a certain point, why you are pushing yourself to reach your desired destination.  Sometimes it takes the twist and turns of life, the detours, and the set backs to help you realize it matters that much to you...  So much you are willing to continue to work your way back to the main path to reaching your goals.  Life can be busy, but we mustn't be so focused on the things we want to happen we lose sight of the things we need to happen.  You have to prioritize what matters most and commit to putting all you are into that.  Then you will start to understand the battle you are fighting is exactly the one you should be. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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