Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Daily BITUB- "Valentine's Day"

It's Valentine's Day! What does that mean to you?  Funny how today can represent different things for so many people. I know those that dread today, others that can't wait for it, and still others that think of it as just another day.  I remember as we were growing up that my parents always gave us a little something on this day. The candy, card or even just a dinner together made it special.  It was such a small gesture, but it mattered as I still remember it today.  For me, my memories make today a nice reminder to say "I love you" to those we cherish, to express our feelings in appreciation of all the relationships in our lives, to say thank you for our blessings and to be truly grateful for having them.  It reminds me that even a small gesture can make a lasting impact and that I am blessed to be able to have those moments now with those in my life.  So, regardless of how you view today, maybe you simply take it as an opportunity to express your love for the people in your life that matter most.  Let them know, as you should everyday, that you are grateful God blessed you with the beautiful opportunity to love and to be loved.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed and Happy Valentine's Day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23







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