Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Daily BITUB- "Tired?"

Tired of fighting an uphill battle? Are you drained to the point it just doesn't matter anymore? Ask yourself - Does it really not matter? If it doesn't, then you should stop fighting! If it doesn't, you should move on!  Life isn't going to always be easy. Honestly, is that what we really want?  Remember that overcoming, fighting for something or someone, and facing those challenges is what makes success, winning and achieving so much more rewarding.  It's what makes reaching that peak worth it, but that's just it! It has to be worth it to you! Your heart has to be in it! Your mind has to want it! Your soul has to need it! We all grow weary of the fight, but I have learned that the regret in not fighting for what I believed in was way worse than the fight itself. You know what matters to you! Trust that instinct! Have faith! Be open and honest to what you feel! Open your heart to the strength of God's love and use it to have the courage to walk away or to continue the fight! Whatever you decide, knowing you are on God's path, places you exactly where you should be when you are supposed to be there! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23







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