Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Daily BITUB- "You want it?"

Are you ready to finish this fight?  Are you ready to handle the task before you?  Maybe you are at the point where you are ready to throw in the towel.  Maybe you are thinking about quitting.  Maybe you are even thinking it's not worth the effort, frustration, emotions you put into it.  You have to be ready to answer those questions.  If you aren't dedicated to the cause then the slightest bit of doubt will get you off your game.  You can't finish if you aren't willing to start again.  Sometimes it takes a realignment of where you are and where you are trying to get to. You have to want it and you have to be sure you are ready to handle whatever is thrown your way.  You have to believe that your goals and dreams are worth it and you are going to chase them down no matter how difficult things get.  That's real commitment!  That's faith that God will be there to guide you!  That's trust in those around you to support as needed!  That's being willing to fight for what you believe in and for all those who believe in you!  That's Believing in the Unbelievable that is YOU!

Get up!  Gather up your blessings, and let's go!

Have a blessed day.

"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

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