Monday, October 2, 2017

Daily BITUB- “You Earned It!”

If you are willing to go through so much to get to that place... if you are willing to fight, to push, to overcome all the obstacles in your path then you've earned it!  So why would you allow others to tell you that you can't have it?  Why would you let others keep telling you you can't do it?  You put in the hours to reach a commitment you made to yourself.  You made the sacrifices!  Don't stop now.  Don't let others push you back!  Grab hold of your experience, your faith, your belief in why you do it, your confidence in who you are and what you want, and pull!  Pull like you've never pulled before, and stop letting the negative overshadow the light! That positive light that resonates throughout the tunnel from where you have been to where you are today.  If you were willing to come this far, then why stop now?  The only thing standing in your way, is you.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

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