Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Daily BITUB- “Faith in the Road”

This popped up in my memories today from something I wrote 3 years ago. It fit perfectly for my current thoughts.  Maybe it fits for some of you today.  -DC

November 1, 2013:

Driving to work this morning the rain was so heavy I could barely see.  I had to detour because one of my exists was closed.  As I drove it, wondering where I was, I emerged right by my office.  Then I realized where this road started, that I passed it everyday and it just never occurred to me to even try it.  Funny how that works, when we get set in our ways we miss things.  Every road and every journey starts somewhere right?  Along those roads are twists, turns, bridges, pot holes, tunnels, detours and other people.  Such is the road we travel.  It started somewhere.  Tunnels where our light must shine, pot holes we must leap over in faith, twists and turns where hope keeps us balanced, bridges where we have been and the ones we are building to get to where we need to go, people that travel along with us and the detours we sometimes are forced to take.  The roads of life lead us in many directions.  Do we always need to take the road less traveled?  No we don't. While that is always an opportunity so is taking the roads traveled often, even ones we have already experienced, and making them better. Then there are the roads we often see, but never take.  Fear? Uncertainty? Maybe even a thought it will take us further from our destination.  Truth is, there is only one way to find out!  Faith says no matter what road we take the familiarity of our blessings and experiences will be there.  Faith tells us that God will be there as we start that road, while on that path, and when we reach our destination.  A destination where we will be exactly where God intended us to be at the moment we where supposed to be there. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

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