Monday, January 22, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Expectations”

How often have you got caught up in trying to live up to someone's expectation? An expectation that isn't aligned at all with what's important to you.  An expectation that isn't a part of your goals and dreams.  Often we end up so focused on those people we miss the importance of those that we want to be better for- Our families, friends, and supporters! Think of all the beauty that exists in first realizing that you have found something and someone that changes your perspective to want to be better. That moment where you realize that all you are will be enough for them and it makes you want to be more for them. They are your motivation, inspiration, and share in your vision of what can be!  So stop trying to live up to other's expectations and start living up to your own!  Then you can stop focusing on the negative of people that you must live with, and instead put your energy into the positive blessings of the people you live for! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

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