Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Light”

Remember the darker it gets the easier it is to see the light, and the smallest of light can be seen in the darkest rooms.  That's why allowing your light to shine matters so much.  That's why the challenges, the adversity, the negative things and people find it hard to exist when your light makes it difficult to cast shadows.  It won't always be easy to be positive.  We all have our days, but allow yourself to take in those around you who want nothing more than to be your light on those days.  God knows exactly when and where we need those blessings, and when someone needs us.  Why not allow yourself the privilege of making someone's day, of being their smile, of opening their heart, of giving them hope and letting them feel your positive emotions and energy?  It matters, and often it matters more than we actually will ever know.  We can influence one another's lives by the smallest moments.  So, today, why not make that moment be someone's blessing?

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23







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