Friday, November 2, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Purpose”

God has given us this gift called life. What we do with it though is on us. What's our purpose? What's our reason for existing? Each person lives out their purpose in different ways. Our experiences are different. How we feel about things is different. How we perceive things is different. It may take you years to realize your purpose. It may be subtle hints that bring you to the realization "this is it"! It may be a life changing event that jolts you and your eyes are suddenly opened. It may be the first time you hold your child. It may be that diploma you get. It may be the first time you look into that someone's eyes that steals your heart. It may be the first time you realize how present God is in your life. Whatever it is chase that purpose as much as you can as time is precious. We all are given a certain amount of days. So, go out and find it! Don't wait! Don't hesitate! View each day as an opportunity to say thank you to God for the gift and for the many blessings He provides by living life purposely, intentionally, and to the fullest. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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