Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Change It!”

You want to change your world? It seems impossible sometimes. You have so many challenges you feel like just throwing your hands up. Tackling your challenges won't be easy, but taking notice of them is a start. We've all done it... Avoided, ignored, even pretended it was ok when it wasn't. Sometimes we may think that the easy way out is to simply overlook the adversity in our life. Reality is it doesn't go away, and more often than not it turns up at the most in opportune times. So, Instead dig in!  Plant your feet firmly on that foundation of love, trust, hope and faith you have built! Look inside at all your passion and all the experiences where you have surmounted what seemed impossible time after time. Flex your spirit and focus on all those that matter most in your life! Channel God's blessings that protect you and arm you for any and all challenges, obstacles and adversity that you come face to face with. Look at who you are. See what you are capable of being. Know that there are no limitations and boundaries that you are not fit to overcome. Quit looking down! Look out at the view from the peak you are standing and look up to the one you will be standing on soon. Remember it's your life and your faith in God and His Grace that can carry you through anything. You want to change your world? Then let's go! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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