Friday, March 22, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Be Better”

You want to be better? Cherish your passion for things. Nurture it. Embrace the focus, the dedication, and accountability. Share it! Let others share in it! Share theirs! We are all better for it when we work together. Walls become climbable, barriers fall, limitations are passed, goals are exceeded, and we reach those areas we never thought possible! Don't be afraid to live life to the extreme every single day! It doesn't have to be a day filled with perfection, but why not a day we notice how blessed we are amidst the imperfections? Your attitude may change others. Your light may be the path. Your hope may be the safe haven for someone. Your faith may be the building block to someone's foundation. You are not obligated to do anything, but you are entrusted with a instinct that deserves your attention. Life is for living! Life matters in as much as we allow it to matter. Remove those people and things holding you back and start focusing and putting your energy into those holding on, holding up, and pushing so that we may all be better.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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