Monday, April 1, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Dance”

"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music."- Angela Monet 

Yet they danced anyway! How often must we swim upstream? We won't always be met with open arms. Our dreams, our vision, our path may not fit what others feel is right. That doesn't make others right, it doesn't mean they are wrong. We all have different views, understandings, journeys. Your path is yours. You willing to fight for it? You willing to stand up for it? You willing to let your passion take over? It is our belief and faith that allows us to push through limitations. Our ability to fulfill our vision will not come from the position we are in, but from the passion we are willing to put in to it. Get up and get after it! Live your life and live it daily. Put all of you into the moment. Experience the day. Be a part of it. Influence it. God provides the gift, but what you do with it is on you! Dance! Dance to the music only you can hear. Let others be motivated by it! Let yourself be better for it, and Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU.

Have a blessed week!

"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

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