Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Leap”

It's not easy to leap. Often we spend so much energy on where we will land we never do. We focus on the fear of the unknown. That's natural, but so is our instinct to discover! So instead, focus on that uncertainty as an opportunity to be more, to experience more, to do things you never have. Use it to be a better you and to go beyond limitations. It's there where our belief is at its strongest. It's there where God's love provides us the comfort we need and is ever present. It's there where we come face to face with our faith. It's there where we learn what matters. It's there where we begin to understand who matters. It's there where hope creates light. It's there where our goals become our priorities. It's there where we get to choose who we are and where we need to be. It's there where we realize we can leap and that is a blessing in itself. So go ahead and leap! Leap with God! Leap In faith, in love, in the beauty that wherever you land you will be that much closer to making your dreams your reality.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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