Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Busily Blessed”

There is no shortage of things to do. We are all busy these days. There are so many things on the to do list and often we dread having to start it. Reality is everyday we are bombarded with everything that is needing to be done NOW! That won't change any time soon, but what's your approach to it all? Do you tackle it with preconceived frustration? Trust me, that makes for a much longer day. The do to list of life is necessary, but controlling our perspective of it is the part we get to influence. We must control what busy means to us. Be intentional! Be busily blessed! Choose the things that matter to you and fill your day with that. Think about the positive of it all. Appreciating the long list of things at work means we have work. Picking up or cleaning house means we have a home. Dressing the kids, calling the family, cooking dinner, making a conference call, doing homework, bathing the kids...  All of it is perspective. While it won't always be easy to see the good when the day takes its toll go ahead and add a few more things to the to do list and it just might take on a different meaning. Maybe you add thank God, pray, have  faith, count your blessings, love and be loved. Maybe you remind yourself to be intentional in your interactions. That list may change from things we have to do to things we want to do, and become something we wake up eager to get started on. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is you find yourself busily blessed with those things that matter most to you and those around you.

Have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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