Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Intentional Blessings”

Lately I've found myself being extremely intentional in my interactions with people. What I mean to say is I am doing all I can to be present with them when I'm talking, interacting, and listening. I'm listening to hear rather than to respond. Not always easy to do, but as I've allowed myself to be there and fully engaged in those conversations I learn a lot about myself and about others. How often do we miss those moments because we are already in the next thing on our to do list? We have so many blessed opportunities to influence and to be influenced if we let it happen. We have so many blessings all around us we just pass by. Take a moment to be in the moment! Take the time, or rather, take YOUR time to cherish your relationships, to appreciate your opportunities, to listen to others, to be in teachable moments, to be vulnerable, accessible, sincere, and purposeful in all you do. You may find that your life takes on a very different perspective and all those little things you are running past start to become big things you get to stand in and grow from.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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