Thursday, May 23, 2019

Daily BITUB- “It Matters”

It all matters. It's important to have goals because it matters. We plan for them. We strategize. We document the benchmarks. We set toll gates. Sometimes though things don't go according to plan and that matters. Sometimes we get sidetracked or end up going in a direction we aren't quite sure how we did. It happens. It happens a lot. Truth is maybe you don't have a 5 year plan. Maybe you don't even know what tomorrow looks like because you are not sure how you even got here to this place. You are confused, exhausted, and frustrated and your plan is in shambles. Ok. So you know the problem. So what's the solution? There is always a solution and it matters. After all it's a new day. A new day filled with possibility, with hope, with faith. You made choices that got you here so you get to now make the choices to move you from here. You possess the ability to get yourself up and moving. You are blessed with the choice to know exactly what you want and need to do to make it happen. It's in you, it always has been. You prayed for strength, but you have to be willing to accept that strength comes with your desire to believe even when it seems impossible to believe. Your new plan is simple-FAITH! Faith in what God has in store for you! Faith in all the leaps you have taken up to this point and the leap you are going to have to take now. Faith in your ability to influence tomorrow by living today. Everyday will matter, in as much as you allow it to matter. This moment you are in, this place, the people in your life matter.
Trust in who you are, why you are, in the beauty of God's gift that is life... It matters. You wanting to live and dream matters. Maybe the goal you have today isn't the one you had yesterday. Maybe the plan has changed. Maybe your priorities have changed. Maybe you've realized that things won't always go as planned, but the blessing is God is always a part of whatever plan you have before you. So, no matter where you are going, what challenges lie ahead, what peaks, what valleys... God is already gone through them, and as He always has been, is with you... and realizing that matters. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you make your moments matter.

Have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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