Thursday, June 13, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Goals and Blessings”

There are so many things we want to do. So many dreams and so many goals. Even just in our daily routine we give ourselves expectations to meet, or at least we should. No coffee today, going to workout a little longer, one more mile, I'm going to finish this project, I'm going to go after that promotion, I'm going to make a difference, I'm going to be positive, I'm going to choose happy, I'm going to be of service to others. Our biggest blessings started somewhere right? They aren't all in disguise. Some are right there in front of us, but we must look in order to see them. We must not look past the beauty of our daily blessings in pursuit of that one big one. It's the little things that carry us. It's the little ones that build us up, give us strength, create who we are. Maybe they come in a thought, a random feeling, a moment where we decide this will be our next adventure. One day you wake up and there it is. No longer a thought but a mission. It is now part of you and necessary for you to be complete! Necessary for you to be you. Necessary for you to feel alive, accomplished, satisfied. It matters to you! Well if it matters to you then chances are it matters to those that love you. Chances are they know you need to reach that goal. They know you will push, fight and commit. They know you can! You know you can, and God puts blessings there so that you will. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is you find the blessings that are ever present and you appreciate them as you travel towards whatever goal, whatever dream God has in store for you. 

Have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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