Friday, June 28, 2019

Daily BITUB- “The Right Time”

You are waiting for the right time aren't you? Some say there is never a right time. I believe that there is a right time, and that time is now. That time is when you realize that you are in control. There is no excuse. There is no reason you can give. You can't blame others. You can't use things like money, time, environment, circumstances. It's all smoke screens you are letting cloud you. You want it then go get it. Work harder. Try harder. Get up earlier. Read more. Ask for help. Commit to that destination. Be confident in your abilities to achieve it. Fine tune your skills. Up the ante on yourself and be accountable to following through! Stop the nonsense of "I can't", "What if", "Why me" and be the opposite of the naysayers and the doubters. Fight! Then fight harder! The right time has always been now. The right moment is going to be created when you create it. Remember this feeling. Remember this place. Remember this day. Remember it because it will be the day you decided to be your blessings and be the biggest influence for living the best rest of your life you could live. The time is now!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you trust your instincts and believe in the possibilities of what can be! Believe and trust that God has a plan and is simply waiting for you to execute on it.

Have a blessed weekend all.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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