Thursday, August 22, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Pick Your Battles”

You've heard the saying pick your battles. Agreed, but what if the battle picks you? It happens. Sometimes the negativity, the adversity, the challenge shows up at our doorstep. Try as we might to avoid confrontation it seems to find us. I've learned that often it's choices we made that put us in the path of those battles, but regardless when those battles present themselves it's on us to push through them. We all face them. Sometimes they are in the form of emotions, doubts, addictions, depression, anger issues, self esteem issues... The list can go on and on. Sometimes the battle is loud and present, other times it's quiet and private. Whatever the battle though we have to realize we never have to face it alone. I know that's easier said than done as part of the battle may be denial or embarrassment. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it... You are worth it! God doesn't create mistakes. Your greatest weapon often is prayer. Then it's realizing that God may not answer like you want, but you must have faith He will answer as you need exactly when you need it. It's not your timeline, but His. Make no mistake though you have to do your part. You have to dig in and settle into that foundation of faith. You have to pay attention to the blessings, big or small, he is placing in your path. Sometimes the battle picks you, but be blessed that part of the victory may simply be realizing you are strong enough, good enough, capable enough to fight it.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that if you are on the cusp or in the middle of a battle you realize that the armor of God is always there... You have to be willing to pick it up and have faith that through Him, together, you will get through it. 

Have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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