Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Daily BITUB- “At Work- Believe”

There are things at work and at ends constantly in our heads. Good things like plans, goals, dreams, hope, and inspirations. Bad things like doubt, fear, anxiety, low self esteem, and depression. We are constantly presented with things at work in our lives that can motivate and push us and those that can deter and detour us. We find ourselves sidetracked by those things that can make us feel inadequate and so we tend to shy away from the extra, the higher bar, the unknown and go after those things that can seem easier. Things that bring us immediate satisfaction and even things that create false foundations of security and comfort. After awhile though we start to realize those foundations are weak and the gratification is no longer there. What's left is that feeling of could have and should have. We once again start to think about those things. Those things that have been, and continue to be, in our head. While easier said than done we must push past the easy road and get back on the one that helps us grow, that brings us new experiences, that challenges us, pushes us to be stronger and better. That path right there is what creates a foundation that we can build on. A foundation that will stand the test of time and that can and will sustain us. The battle is constant, but we must realize we have the power to overcome, we have the strength to persevere, we have the ability to do whatever we allow ourselves to believe in.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find comfort in prayer, in opportunity, in the hope that you can do and be anything you choose and allow yourself to be. Keep that faith for it's yours to have. 

Have a beautifully blessed day all. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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1 comment:

  1. What a great and strong message. We fight things in our heads each and every day. Our ability to overcome is on us and our relationship with God is always something that can help us as we fight those battles. Thank you for sharing!


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