Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Mentors”

I sit often reflecting and asking myself questions about life and leadership. As I do that I get to thinking about my mentors over the years. I realize how many have inspired me in different ways. I've been blessed to have my personal, my professional, my spiritual leaders along the way, some of who have embodied all of those. Each have shaped my thinking and challenged me to focus and reinvent myself continuously. They taught me there is always room for growth, always room for feedback, always room to be better. As I've found myself more aligned with priorities I've also found myself realizing how often I've misaligned myself with what was really important. The focus of energy on the wrong things can really cloud our judgment and make us forget why we started on a certain path to begin with. Sometimes it was a path we thought we'd be on for a minute only to find ourselves on it 20 years later. During that journey though, when I questioned why and how I was here, I've experienced things that made me realize it was because God has been the ultimate mentor. He was at work in my life. In fact, He was working overtime in some moments when I wasn't willing to do the heavy lifting, and even now when I am doing my best to pick up my cross I know that he is carrying me on His shoulders so that I don't have to do it alone. God is the ultimate servant leader. He leads with a servant heart. He asks that we do as well and as we are called upon to lead... At home, at school, at work, we mustn't forget that our ability to influence is a gift and those we allow to influence us is a choice. So choose wisely. Ask yourself... Who are your mentors? Who are you growing from, growing with, and giving to? Is God at the forefront? Are you allowing Him to be? Are you a servant leader or a self serving one? Where are you and where are you wanting to go? Are you doing the things you must to get there? If you haven't reflected on that, today is as good a day as any to start.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you allow God to be a part of your life, personally and professionally, and that you begin and end each day with Him, and through Him you allow your influences and your influence to be of Him.

Have a blessed day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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