Monday, September 16, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Perception and Perspective”

Perspective and perception are powerful things. Every moment gives us that opportunity to assess how we will see it.  Experience, our environment, the people involved all can influence what we see and what it means to us. Yet, often we can overlook the obvious that should matter most... How we feel. What does it really mean to us? What role do we play in this moment? What is the significance? What do we see when we really look at all the pieces that make up that big picture? What perspective do we bring to this moment? I've heard perception is reality, but it is our perception that allows us to shape that reality. It is our focus on the day to day things that we deem important, necessary and crucial to our lives that matters. Everyday we will choose the way we want to begin the day, we will determine how we take it on as things happen throughout it and every night we get to assess exactly how we perceive we did. Perspective- If you are looking at life and wondering what you see, if perception is reality, then make sure you see that God, faith, the ability to live our lives, the blessings within and the many opportunities to reach our goals and dreams are always present. Always if we allow them to be. Always no matter when, where, or how if we choose to perceive it that way. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you look at yourself and life through the eyes of faith. That whatever you are facing you control how you look at, how you can influence it, and that through God you can handle it.

Have a blessed week everyone.
Yours in service,


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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