Friday, January 10, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Book Light”

I took a walk yesterday. It was muggy out, but the birds seemed to like it. I walked past my favorite tree that is close to our parking lot here at the office. It reminds me of the longevity it takes to grow. It reminds me of how seasons come and go as it sheds its leaves and grows new ones. Such are our seasons as we too are able to start anew. I once sat in a room, many years ago afraid, tired, frustrated, lost and thought about not going on. It was a dark place filled with the emotion of hate, anger, and pity. I wanted to move out of the moment, but I couldn't and the result was a spiral that couldn't end anywhere but rock bottom. I still go to that place sometimes only to sit across from myself and talk about where we are and how we do our best to keep moving towards a better place. That's really all any of us wants. That negativity is strong though and does its best to remind me that if bad can happen it will. That we shouldn't be too happy, because the falls from high up hurt more. I know I have said it the last couple of years to a few people, but this year I am committed to finishing a book I'm working on. People ask me often why I haven't and honestly because it is hard to write as that dark place is the central part of that book. Though, today, I am reminded of something I couldn't really fathom then… I am not alone. I have a wife whose faith is stronger than anybody I have ever met, a son and daughter that give me the courage and the desire to be stronger, family and friends that would move mountains for me. So, I know as I go to that place I don't go alone. Through the many blessings that God has given me, He is there and maybe through the blessing of writing I can help someone along the way and finally shine some light in that dark place. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you realize you are never alone. If you feel lost remember God is ever present we have only to want to be found.

Have a blessed weekend every one! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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