Thursday, March 26, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Being Ourselves”

Over the past few days I've received many emails with questions. Some are anxiety filled, some are fear filled, and others are simply questions about the unknown. One that struck me was "How many days will pass before we get to be ourselves again?" It resonated with me because I wasn't aware that we couldn't be ourselves. Actually I was hoping that when all this is done we come out better than ever, and during this time we reflect on things we get to be better at. Maybe, just maybe, this isn't so much a wakeup call, but a call in general. A call to just notice things. A call to be more aware and thankful. A call to remember, to find, to realize our actual calling. Maybe we realize we don't have to keep up with our neighbors. Maybe we understand that our children don't have to be in every activity out there. Maybe we see them growing by being kids and doing those things they really love. Maybe we will see that in ourselves. Maybe you need inspiration. Look around. I have seen more people running, walking, playing outside. Now, it is happening in their driveway or in their yards, but it is happening. I saw someone painting on their fence with their kids. I saw someone working in their garden. When I say someone I actually mean people that are normally running 100 miles an hour and they don't have time to do those things usually, or so they thought. See that is just it. We put so much emphasis on time and often say we don't have enough of it.That is on us isn't it? That is all by choice. We might just realize what we want our time to be filled with when this is done. We are going to come out of this and have some big things to decide. Do we go back to being too busy making a living we forget to live? Do we go back to packing our kids schedules with things we want that we don't let them be kids and play? Do we pack our evenings with social event after social event that we don't get home in time to tuck in our kids, to read to them, to pray with them, to eat with them? When will be ourselves again? I'm finding that we are becoming more of who we really are, now more than ever. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find comfort in the pause and you let yourself appreciate the opportunity to do and become what God needs you to be right now.

Have a blessed and healthy day.

"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

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