Thursday, April 2, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Laughter”

" A well-balanced person is one who finds both sides of an issue laughable." - Herbert Procknow

Have you ever just laughed until the point you almost couldn't breathe? I find myself laughing with others more often lately because why not. Someone walked by my office yesterday and said how can you laugh right now? I said how could I not? I'm giving it all to God. My faith is carrying me and honestly laughter brings so much light into any dark moment. Sharing laughter, joy, good vibes, special moments brings a calm and sometimes even helps us escape some of the reality around us. It just provides an energy that resonates beyond us and really is contagious. It provides that sense of comfort that joy is still here, and why not fill up our hearts with that? Sure I know what's going on. I see the numbers, I know the stats, but I also know we will get through it. I may not get to give a high five, shake a hand, give a pat on the back to those I work with, my church family, my friends... but technology let's me see them, call them, keep in contact. In fact, I've learned a lot about some people I haven't had the chance to because we slowed down. I've built relationships with people I'm seeing step up and do things I wasn't aware they could do. So, yes I'm still happy, still feeling positive, still letting joy in and you bet I'm going to keep laughing. Maybe, just maybe, at some point in all this we all will.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is you let yourself see the beauty in those moments that God places in your path to remind you that life is good.

Have a blessed and healthy day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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