Monday, August 31, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Try and Try Again”

I've tried my best and fell short. I've given my all and failed. I've been positive only to be drowned out by the negative. I've lost faith and lost hope. I've given up. I've given in. I've let fear stop me. I've let doubt consume me. I've made wrong choices. I've lost my way. I've blamed others when things didn't go right. I'm not perfect. Yet, here I am. Doing all I can to be better. Praying for God's Grace. Forgiving and hoping to be forgiven. Trusting and earning trust. I'm looking for the good moments. I'm trying to give more than I take. I'm looking for the good in others and in myself. I'm trying to give myself to God. Trying to serve others. Trying to be a positive influence. Trying to choose kindness, understanding and love. Trying to except that I am capable of being a light, and trying to allow others the opportunity to let their light shine. I'm building bridges, creating new paths, taking the high road. I'm fighting the best I can and encouraging others to stay their course. I'm lifting up others when I can, and reaching out for help when I must. Every day is another day to choose who we will be. Every day is another day to focus on the things that can impact our lives and influence our path. Every day is another day to rise to the occasion, to hold ourselves accountable, to excel, to become our blessings, and to simply be better than we were yesterday. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you embrace your moments and choose to live life fully. I pray you can put your worries at God's feet, accept His Grace, and cherish every moment you have to live a life worthy of that Grace. 

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy week all.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Missed Opportunities”

Missed opportunities are tough to deal with. I think about all the missed moments I had to serve others. I think about my failures as a Christian to stand up for people. I think about the times I didn't stop to help someone because I was running late. I think about the times I put my own needs in front of others. I think of the moments I took the easy path because I didn't want to stop, teach, support. My own agenda was more important. It's disappointing how few I let myself remember. Yet, it's funny how I remember all the times someone didn't help me. I remember when I've been wronged. I remember when someone put me on the back burner. I remember grudges I held for years, forgiveness I refused to give, and the damaged relationships my pride wouldn't allow me to heal. How often we forget how we fall short. It's just so much easier to deflect. Easier to focus on others than to look at ourselves. Yet, lately as I've sat and reflected on what I haven't done my focus has shifted to what I can do moving forward. I can't change those things, but I can do my best to have an awareness of the opportunities to be better. We are all works in progress, but we have to be willing to put in the work. We have to reflect, we have to be honest with ourselves, we can't make excuses, or be so quick to let ourselves off the hook. We are accountable for our actions. We are responsible for all of it. Be it good or bad, if we are intentional in being true to others we have to first start by being true to ourselves. Maybe then we won't have so many missed opportunities to be better, to be good, and to serve others. Maybe then as we reflect will find just how beautiful life is when everyone does their best to help others be at their best. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you cherish your opportunities and give thanks to God for your moments to help and serve others.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Monday, August 24, 2020

Daily BITUB- “In God’s Hands”

We will never truly know the trials that others are facing. We may think we do, but often we only know what they are willing to show us. Some people are really good at hiding their hurt. Some are really good at masking their fears. Some feel obligated to hold others up while they are falling down. Everybody reacts differently to the world around them. We all could share an experience and that experience could very well create different emotions for all of us. People have different outlooks on life. Our upbringing, the circumstances we have been accustomed to, our perspectives, our values are all influencers on what we will tolerate, understand and believe. Sometimes we think we know so we push our agenda on others. Yet, we aren't interested in hearing their point of view. Reciprocating our understanding, awareness, respect, and listening is something we all should do. In all honesty we won't all the time, but being intentional about making a true and honest effort to try matters. I hear people say, "Well, put yourselves in my shoes for a minute". Even if I could, that minute isn't going to give me the lifetime of experiences I would need to truly understand you. So, I listen, I hear, I study, and my view comes from my perspective. Over the years I've challenged people to stop trying to put themselves in each other's shoes and to focus on helping all of us to put ourselves in God's hands. Be supportive and be open to the possibilities that kindness, unity, and expression without judgement can bring. We can't fully assess all the things in a moment that someone has dealt with, nor could we expect them to understand us in that same moment... But we can truly influence that moment by being willing to be the ear they need, the shoulder they want, and the faith they may lack in that instant. We have all been in that position. Where the blessings of those that God surrounds us with are needed. He knows they are needed because He knows what we have been through and what we have yet to face. We can't hide it from Him. He knows that while we may need someone to carry us today, tomorrow we may find ourselves standing in front of that person who is going to need us.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find your person. That you open your self up to the possibility of the blessings God is putting in your path. That you allow yourself to appreciate it enough to accept the gift He is graciously providing.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy week everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Daily BITUB- “What You See”

We've all heard the saying "What you see is what you get". Sometimes we take that literal. How many times have we made a determination of something or someone by appearance only? Only what we see. In one of my speaking engagements I challenged the students to take a moment to get to know someone new over the course of the school year. To understand someone, I said, is to show appreciation for our differences, and embrace just how unique and special each one of us is. Think about how you've been judged by your clothes, your race, your economic status, your school. Now, think about the times you past judgement. Luke 6:37 says, "Do not judge, and you will not be judged." I know it's easier said than done, but today more than ever how great would it be if we all took a moment to listen, to embrace, to understand more about one another without judgement? We would all be better for it. With a desire to serve, like it or not, we will make choices on how we serve by how we see people. We may think someone has it all together and they don't. We may never know because we didn't take time to notice. We often work out our perceptions by looking from one extreme to the next. We don't know people's stories. We don't know the background. We don't know, in many cases, even what happened this morning because we refuse to take the time to know.  In the book "Servant Leadership in Action" Chris Hodges writes, "we see people as either a problem to be avoided or a person to be loved." How on point is that? It hits home. Yet, we don't have to live that way. We don't have to label everything by a "what you see is what you get" mentality. We can be intentional in going beyond the surface to get to know those around us. You may find things that help you understand why you are crossing each other's paths. You may find someone in need or realize that they are there to help you. You may even realize it is the unique gifts God gives us all that makes life so much more enjoyable. A life where what you are willing to understand, to know, to experience, without judgement, is really what you can get. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you realize only God shall judge us. That we are not to judge, but rather we must do all we can to love one another as God has loved us. So, it is written. So, it shall be done.

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Positive Thoughts”

"When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around." - Willie Nelson 

What if you took the good in your day and built on that? How many times do you think of every bad thing that has happened and just throw out the good? My son started playing golf this year. He gets down on himself and frustrated. For you golfers, I already apologized to him for introducing him to the most frustrating sport ever. On Sunday during his tournament what we decided to do was focus on the good on every hole. To think about the good shots not the bad ones. We would put his energy there and encourage him to remember what he did, how it felt, and take those positive thoughts and duplicate them. It seems simple enough, but we are all guilty of focusing all our attention on what we didn't do. Just as much as we've let what we don't have cloud what we do have. We look for greener grass. We may even travel that road in search of it only to come full circle and realize the greener grass we searched for we were standing on all along. I constantly remind myself to be positive, but in all honesty it doesn't always work that way. It's a journey of self reflection, awareness, and intentional choices. It's a constant desire to be a work in progress, but a realization and a belief that it's worth the work. So, at the end of the day I think about the good and I reflect on what I did, how it felt, and I will do my best to take those positive thoughts and duplicate them today.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find your good. You take your moments and you make them matter. You appreciate the silver linings and give all glory to God for another opportunity to be, to become, to share the abundance of good that exists in your life today and every day. 

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Monday, August 17, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Must Do List”

I often would look at my day and think about the things I didn't do. I had intended to get to certain things, but it didn't happen. So, I would sit frustrated that I didn't mark a thing off my to do list. I spent the rest of that evening writing tomorrow's list and the cycle often continued. It took me years to think about all the things that I simply overlooked that kept me from that list. The real priorities. The moments my kids would ask me to play or help them with something. The task that could have taken 30 minutes that stretched to a couple of hours because my son wanted to learn. The times I took a phone call from my Gpa and just laughed and talked instead of running out the door for an errand I had planned. The times I just sat and relaxed with my wife instead of checking emails. The moments texting and laughing with my family on group texts instead of rushing to something that could wait. Yes, there really are things that can wait. As hard as it is sometimes to realize, there are no guarantees we will get to have those special moments another day. It isn't until we can't that our appreciation of those moments become that much greater. Today, more than ever, I think about get togethers, trips, football games, reunions, and couldn't  have imagined how  precious those moments were. The last time I talked to GPa maybe I would have talked longer. The moments to pause and teach our kids, laugh with our family, cherish our spouse could all be gone in an instant. We must love our now. Cherish our opportunities to tell those we love that we do. Take the vacation days. Say yes when our kids want to talk, play, take a ride with us. Take walks with our spouse. Yeah, we may not get to our to do list, but maybe we start to appreciate our "must do more" list. I know I have, and the more intentional I start to give thanks to God for my moments the more I realize just how many I actually no longer want to overlook.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you pause to take in all that God provides. That you stop rushing from one thing to another and be present in the moment. Moments of joy, laughter, love and blessings.

Have a safe, blessed, and healthy week everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Toxins”

People allow toxic relationships to fester in their lives too often. The result can be a complete loss of trust in others and a loss of confidence and self-esteem. It can create fear that destroys people's ability to ever want to allow themselves to be in any type of relationship at all. There isn't any easy way to press on. There isn't anything that instantly changes your thought process to trust again. You want to hit that reset button, but you think you can't. You have gone from a toxic relationship with someone else to a toxic fear and toxic relationship with yourself. I've been there. I've allowed that toxicity to take over my thoughts and I ended up hurting people close to me. I've used that lack of trust, the anger, the hurt and projected it on those who did nothing to me. I was afraid to be open with anyone. That feeling of helplessness is paralyzing. In "Lead Like Jesus" Ken Blanchard says that fear is a gift from God. It allows us to take heed and protects us unless we allow it to destroy our ability to live. "Toxic fear is a complete anti-God state of mind. It is a good thing turned bad." Relationships aren't easy. There are twists and turns. Good and bad. Joy and pain. I believe that God pushes us to realize the potential we have through the events that help shape us. I trust that everything we experience has meaning. You just have to release those toxins. Accept your role in the moment and realize that the only control something or someone has on you is what you allow. While it is easier said then done, it can be done. It begins with you laying down the burden and picking up your faith. You get to have a beautiful life and every day is another chance to do it... Today is a wonderful day to start. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you let yourself detox. Put your worries before God. Let Him guide you through the moment and allow yourself the beauty of living the gift of life God has given to you.

Have a blessed, safe and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Monday, August 10, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Reassurance”

How many times have you felt like you were on track, but suddenly something made you feel like you were getting off the path? You couldn't pin point it. You started questioning if you were doing the right things. Doubt started to overwhelm you. You were looking for any validation you were doing what you were supposed to do. Hoping for encouragement. Wanting a sign. So much that your attention and energy shifted from the task at hand to looking over your shoulder. All of a sudden you stop looking ahead. You stop visualizing the destination. You lose focus and you miss all the answered prayers along the path. You don't see them because they don't look like what you envisioned. In fact it is in faith we must believe those things we ask for are given. Given in God's time not ours. Given His way not ours. We can hope for an abundance of reassurance, yet we don't accept the assurance that God is in control. That His Grace is constant. We forget that "faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1) We must remember that especially in those moments where things seem lost, and know that whatever path we are on, if we travel it with God as our companion we are always on the right track.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you seek assurance through faith. That you realize God will always answer our prayers, not as we want, but always as we need.

Have a blessed, healthy and safe week all. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Share Your Story”

Back in 2012 I was standing in front of a group of students speaking about my life. I shared some personal experiences that helped mold me. Some of them were about hard lessons, and I felt sharing them might make a difference. That vulnerability is not easy to do, but sometimes it is necessary in order to allow others to understand it's ok. I remember after that talk that one of the students came up and said "thank you for that." There was nothing else said. I don't know what exactly it was that hit them, but honestly it didn't matter. Fast forward to yesterday. I was talking to a friend who was going through some things. Some self doubt, some bad choices, some hurt people. I felt compelled to share some of my experiences. Stories of anxiety, fear, hurt. Moments were my low self esteem made me do things in hopes others would pay attention to me. They did, but for the wrong reasons. I have personal goals that often battle with my personal demons. Sometimes those demons win and I digress. I have had years where I fought falling into a place that I hid in for years. A place where I would fake my way through my days in hopes I could just get through it. Thing is every day is truly another day to reset and redo. You can't undo things, but you can be responsible for your actions and you can work to be better. You can work to earn trust, to be trustworthy, to show genuine concern for others and to influence them and yourself positively. Everyone's journey is different, but what isn't is the ability to influence the outcome of it. You may wake up every single day with a feeling like today is going to be hard, or you can wake up today knowing it is, but confident you can get through it. You've made it here, and you'll make it there. Life is full of intimate moments and experiences where you will find others have already been there. Share your stories. Share your lessons. It's not a weakness to tell someone what you've faced. It's a strength that shows you faced it, and it may be exactly what someone needs to hear to understand they can too. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you know there are people who need your story and those that need to share theirs. That we don't judge, but rather we listen. We listen, encourage, embrace and pray for them and with them.

Have a blessed, safe and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Opportunities to Care”

Many years ago I sat across from someone who really intimidated me. I remember it vividly. I was a new leader and they were 3 levels above me and what I quickly notice was they knew it. I sat back and listened to them speak to a group ready to pick up some nuggets. It didn't happen. I could have walked away dismayed because all I learned was their accolades, but instead I learned I didn't want to ever be like that. I listen to a lot of motivational videos and one I heard several years ago by TD Jakes resonated with me. He said, "you have to remember those that helped you on your journey and then help others on theirs. Reciprocity. You get what you give." When I think back on moments there is so much clarity now, but we don't see that in those moments. We miss opportunities to help people, to support one another, to give thanks. It's easy to do and I'm certain I still do it often. Yet, I continue to do my best to be aware of how my actions affect others. Not just in work either. It's not something we turn off and on. It's something we focus on and work on constantly. It's self realization of shortcomings and it's leaving our pride at the door when we need help from others. What has impressed me the most over the years has been people not only interested in position, tools, techniques, talent, but people who are also sincerely interested in others. Overall we could all take a lesson in service. There are people right now all around us who need our support. Who need understanding. Who need our faith, thoughts, and prayers. There are people in our lives that want nothing more than for us to listen and to care. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question... What are you doing for others?" I truly believe today, more than ever, that's a question we could all benefit from asking ourselves and then be open and honest with our answer. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you ask for help if you need it. That you recognize others in need. That you find a moment to lend a hand or at least put your hands together and pray for all those who need us to.

Have a blessed, healthy and safe day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Encourage”

There was a time in a golf tournament I found myself encouraging a competitor. They were struggling, but I knew they had more in them. It was easy to do, because I knew their performance would more than likely elevate mine. Think about that. Isn't it true, more often than not, who we surround ourselves with influences how we are? I know people who are only happy when they are negative. Their influence is to create, to point out, to encourage problems. Then they flee leaving others to either figure it out or worse, fend for themselves. When we work to bring others down we unintentionally bring ourselves down. The bar is lowered and nobody benefits. Over my career I have been honored to train, develop and work with individuals who I sometimes ended up working for. They made me better and taught me the value in building relationships that mattered. The focus never changed. We continued to encourage each other. It was a desire to reciprocate service. My goal has always been to surround myself with people who want to lift others up. They care about the success of others. They care about the personal and professional aspirations of others. It's that instinctual desire to grow through the development of others we often miss. There are many opportunities to motivate, inspire and encourage. Why wouldn't we take advantage of those moments? Why wouldn't we lend a hand, fill a heart, be a shoulder? Not everyone we meet will be a positive influence. As I've said before don't focus on the negative that may surround you, but be grateful for the positive you can bring that resonates beyond you. Then, "let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together... but let us encourage one another." (Hebrews 10:24-25) 

Yes, let us.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you encourage others to be their best. That you have faith that the intent of those around you is to do the same. After all faith in others is a building block for hope. 

Have a blessed, healthy and safe day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Monday, August 3, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Always Believe”

Yesterday on our way home from a trip we decided to stop at The Wiseman House of Chocolates in Hico Texas. As we walked around the store I saw a sign that read, "Always Believe something wonderful is about to happen". It made me think as I used to not believe that at all. I used to have this feeling like something bad was going to happen. Especially when things were going well in my life. My anxiety would take over and my mind would sabotage me. It would have me waiting for the sky to fall. So many times I had moments where I couldn't accept things were good. To a point I would make choices that made things bad. In my mind it was inevitable anyway. I still digress sometimes, but I've become extremely intentional in my appreciation of God's gifts. From the dawn of a new day to the lessons in my shortcomings, I believe there really is good in everything. Sometimes it's harder to see it, but it really is on us if we are going to. I think about moments past, my epic failures, my bad choices, my broken relationships, and I realize all of it helped me prepare for what was to come. In the moment we have no idea that is the case. We think this moment is bad, only to find out things can be much worse. In turn they can be much better and we get to appreciate that if we want to. We can either live in our now or let the fear of tomorrow derail us. We are more prepared than we give ourselves credit for, and truly believing in God's Grace helps us understand there is beauty in all things. It is then we give thanks for our experiences, our faith, our strength, our realization that God is also intentional in what He puts in our path. While it's not easy, I am finding it's worth it, and living a life where we "Always Believe something wonderful is about to happen" is a pretty good way to live.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you take a moment to see, to be, to create the wonderful moments in your life right here and now. It's easy to focus on what we don't have, but allowing ourselves to appreciate what we do is a beautiful way to give thanks to God for it. 

Have a blessed, safe and healthy week all.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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