Friday, September 11, 2020

Daily BITUB- “September 11”

I posted this last year, and I post it again this year. As the feeling won't change. Still praying and will always remember.

Today I'm simply going to pause and send up prayers in remembrance of September 11th. There are still many lives affected, still hurt, still confusion, fear, and doubt. I remember I was stranded in NC on business and thinking about my family. I was wanting to be home and afraid what I would feel when I was able to fly again. I remember that because it is a reminder that we mustn't take things for granted. Since then I've taken thousands of trips. I don't think about the bad, but I do my best to embrace the opportunities to tell my wife, my kids, my family I love them. I give thanks to God I can and appreciate the many blessings that I have missed. There are no promises that tomorrow will come, but you can promise yourself that as busy as you get, as wrapped up in the days that don't go right, that when you can't see the good you take pause to remember the moments where everything was beautifully blessed. You take a moment to remember those times where everything was as you once prayed for, that you simply tell those that matter they do, and you give all glory and praise to God for He is, and always shall be, good.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for today is for all those who are still searching for faith that they may find some peace through all of us who are praying and lending them all the faith we can as they search for theirs.

We will never forget. 

Have a blessed, safe and healthy weekend all. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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