Thursday, December 31, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Happy New Year 2021”

I have always believed the measure of a great person is in his/her ability to overcome the things they least expect and to carry whatever load must be carried... To have faith when others don't and to trust that God has us firmly in His grip. You can pretty much some up 2020 by saying we couldn't have expected anything like we experienced, and at times it got pretty hard to hold up. Over my 25 years in my current work life I have come across things that made me question whether or not I even wanted to do the job, take the path, and put myself in a place where I would have to do things that would impact others. There were moments I thought I wouldn't be able to make it through the moment, only to find that it was the moment that helped make me. The moving from place to place, the people I was blessed to know (good and bad), the adversity, the doubts, the setbacks, the wins, the successes, the relationships put me right here, right now . That is not by accident, and as my word for 2020 was intentional, I know that God has been extremely intentional in my life. He has created a foundation over the years that has allowed me to build on it to simply do all I can to give more than I take, to be a better person, and to find ways to be of service to others in all aspects of life. As we sit and reflect on 2020 my hope and prayer is that you are able to see that even in our darkest moments there are blessings. Blessings in disguise, blessings that are in plain sight, and those blessings we have yet to realize, and may not for years to come. I am grateful, humbled, and in awe of all that God has given and continues to give. I put 2020 in my book of closed chapters. A book that I often reference to remind myself of the things I have experienced, and to reflect on when I need to remember just how far I have progressed. I am looking forward to 2021, as I look forward to each new day God blesses me with. I look forward to growing my relationships with all of you, to learning more, to growing more, to becoming a better servant of God for those in my life. 

I say thank you to all of you who continue to be a part of me, my journey, my path and count you as a blessing and an intentional part of God's plan for me today and what He has in store for me next.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.
Be safe, be healthy, and as always Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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