Thursday, January 14, 2021

Daily BITUB- “What will you do now?”

I've let people down. I've said wrong things. I've disappointed people. I've not shown up. I've given up. I've given in. I've hurt people. I've let grudges steal time from me and good people. I've put off things I needed to do today. I've lost moments with my kids because I was selfish. I've not been there for people I should have been. I've not been kind. I've not appreciated my life. I've lost faith. I've given up hope. I spent years away from God. Thing is, it's not about what we've done, but what we do. We can't change those things. Instead we must focus on what lies ahead. How are we living right now? What are we doing to make today a better day for others? Are we trying to be better? Are we trying to learn from our mistakes? Are we being of service? Are we being a positive influence? Are we trying to spread joy, kindness, good? Are we letting time pass us by and not enjoying the ride, the blessings, the people who love us? Are we running so fast we miss the things that matter? Have we forgotten the small parts of life that make us smile? The things that bring us joy. We've all misstepped, and it's ok. It's time you take that next step forward. It's time you realize you can put down all the bad, pick up the good, create the beauty in your life, and determine exactly what that next step truly can mean.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer today is that you realize in God's eyes we are always His children. Lay it down and pick up your faith. 

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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