Thursday, January 29, 2015

Daily BITUB- "You can't stop now!"

You can't stop now!  

You've come to far!  You've worked so hard!  The sacrifices you made, the adversity you endured, the limitations you've overcome!  People believe in you! You believe in you... Yes you do!  I know the road seems like a never ending path of challenges but you got this!  The light in the tunnel has always been you and your faith!  

You can't stop now!  

You know you need it! You know you want it!  It's who you are! It's why you are!  It's all the people that have helped mold you... Parents, family, friends... Even though it may seem like its not, it can and will all come together!  

You can't stop now!  

You've prayed for strength. So feel that strength and attack life!  You've asked for guidance! So let your spirit lead the way! You've dreamed this! You've maneuvered day after day to be here and now! Exactly where you should be!  You've come farther than even you imagined!  Take it in... Realize what you are capable of! Let others witness the beauty in your abilities and let God's blessings shine throughout your life!  

You can't stop now!  

No... We won't let you because we believe in you!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Share!"

Why wouldn't you want to share your story?  I mean it wasn't easy to get to this point was it?  Why not allow others to be inspired by you? Why not tell others about the ones who helped you along the way?  It shows a willingness to know when you need those blessings and that it's ok to need them.  Why not tell about the time life brought you to your knees?  Then you can tell how from there you prayed and through God you got back up. Why not tell of the times you fell short of your own expectations? Then you can share how you learned what you needed to continue the fight.  Why not allow others to see you angry, sad, happy?  It lets them know they too can feel.  Why not lean on other's faith when you are weak in yours?  Chances are it will give them the strength to do the same.  Why not shout from the rooftops what you believe?  It shows your dedication to what matters most to you. Why not just be you?  After all you are a beautiful blessing, and you will find that those that you love and that love you... Well, you is all they ever want or need you to be.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Strength in Numbers"

There is strength in numbers, but that strength begins with you and your ability to allow others to help you!  It isn't easy to do sometimes.  Maybe you have been let down.  Maybe someone didn't deliver on the promises they made you.  Maybe you simply feel like you can do it by yourself.  The reasons for why you wouldn't could be and often are many.  It's not easy to let go of what was, but we must look at the possibility of what can be. The focus of all the wrong and negative sometimes overwhelms our ability to see the positive in trusting in others, but we must.  That's faith, and our faith in others often are the building blocks of hope.  It gives us the possibility of comfort, safety and allows us to know we are not in it alone.  I've seen people ask, and I have myself, "Where are you God?  Why are you allowing this to happen?"  God doesn't always present us with what we think we need.  Instead he puts people, places, and events in our path because he knows EXACTLY what we need... And the strength in numbers begins with God, you and your ability to allow those blessings He places all around you to be all the rest!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Monday, January 26, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Where to now?"

Where are you headed?  What are you doing to get there?  From the moment we wake to the moment we sleep we are in constant movement towards a destination.  As we travel our path we inevitably will encounter crossroads. It is at these forks in the road where we must make choices as to what we will do next.  We must decide what voice we will have at each juncture.  Will it be one of strength, one of fear, one of faith, hope, love?  Will it be encouraging or discouraging?  Will it be influential and inspiring?  Will it be negative or will we look to find the positive amidst the storm?  These are all decisions we must make!  It is how the moment becomes a starting point and the memories of experiences past serve to become our motivation to press onward towards whatever destination we must on whatever road we choose.  As hard as it may be to see it sometimes, it's all within us to do it!  To create that beautiful day the Lord has made where anything we are willing to allow ourselves to imagine, to dream, to pursue is there ready for us to be it! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Friday, January 23, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Take Notice"

There isn't a place we could ever go that God wouldn't be.  We may not notice Him and we may even try to convince ourselves there is no way He is there, but He is.  Sometimes it comes in subtle things... A friend reaching out, a rainbow that reminds us of His beautiful creation, the soothing sounds of the rain that calm a long day, the laughter of children that bring our priorities into focus, the silence of the moment that lets us reflect and catch our breath.  Sometimes it's life changing.  Sometimes it brings family, friends, memories, thoughts and it brings faith with it! Sometimes it tests that faith and then strengthens it!  Sometimes it is the hope of tomorrow and the opportunity in today.  Sometimes it is experience teaching us and sometimes it is our past lessons helping others to learn.  Sometimes it's the thought of someone special that simply makes us better... And sometimes it's just is realizing that the blessings we seek just have to be noticed.  Yes, God is always there waiting, holding and giving us whatever we need at that moment He knows we truly need it. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Make it happen"

You can't just think about what's missing in your life. It doesn't fill the void to simply think about it.  You have to do something about it!  You have to influence it! You have to create, mold, mend, push, pull, fight... It doesn't fill by chance or by waiting  for the next big thing!  No... You create and control the next big thing!  You are influential in making and being an active participant in what you need to fill that void with!  No one but you and God truly know what is important to you, what you need to feel and be, what you need to grow, what inspires you, motivates you, strengthens you.  Focus on who and what matters most to you!  Think about it and remember that your heart already knows the answer...  Trust in faith so that you may truly understand the question.  Then be willing to answer it!  Be willing to fill that void with those blessings God presents you with, with your dreams, your goals, your purpose!  Fill it with all those special people, experiences and moments that you need to make the most out of the beautiful gift of life God has given you.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Something"

Every single moment of the day brings with it something that influences us in one way or another.  Even in the quiet moments where we are able to reflect we can get caught up in thoughts of what was, is and the beauty and possibility of what can be.  There are countless experiences that have shaped us, that made us move in a certain direction, that brought us closer to someone or made us realize the ones we had to walk away from.  There are challenges that left us weary, others that gave us confidence, some that taught us lessons the hard way... But all of them made us better and reminded us to hold tight to our faith and the possibilities that come through facing those challenges.  There are dark moments that gave us a brighter light than we ever thought possible.  There are moments we felt we couldn't only to find ourselves pushing beyond limitations until we did!  There are moments where we shouted until someone heard our cry.  There are moments we sat in silence until someone asked us why.  There are moments where we knew that prayer was all we had left and that was all we needed.  Moments where we counted our blessings from God and found out the ones that were always there.  Moments where we understood just how much life really means... And who makes it mean that much more. Yes-Every single moment of the day brings with it something...  And it's those moments we find make us who we are, why we are and just how easy it is for "something" to become our everything.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Experience"

I've pursued so many things in my life only to find that what I thought I wanted I really didn't.  I would never replace the experience of the pursuit though.  The lessons it taught me, the good and the bad, were all worth it... If only to understand that sometimes the greener grass we seek brings us full circle to the exact place we started from.  The journey though gives us that experience to understand what that truly does mean.  It helps us to realize the blessings we have so that we can appreciate them just a little bit more.  We all tend to take things for granted that are always there... That is until they are not. I have come to find that God allows us those journeys so that we may become all we are to be and so that we give thanks for all we already are.  Those blessings in our life that remain are often the ones that should have, and despite what we may sometimes think were right there on the journey with us... And always be. 
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Monday, January 19, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Today"

"No person has the right to rain on your dreams." - Martin Luther King Jr. 

Why can't it be today?

Dream your dreams!  Let them be as big as you want!  Chase your wildest ones each and everyday!  Be willing to imagine a world without limitations!  Believe in yourself! Believe in the possibilities!  Believe in others! 

What are you waiting for?

Why can't it be today?

Each day we are given a new start. It can be whatever we need it to be & develop any part of us we want to focus on.  Today can be "that"day for you! The day you started that lifelong dream. The day you decided to make a change in your life.  The day you realized you could. The day you found what you thought you lost. The day you decided to create a new beginning. The day you accepted the blessings you have been given to make that difference.  The day you finally understood that this is the day, like everyday, the Lord has made. Living it, cherishing it, being a part of it... That's being glad and rejoicing in it!  That's being willing to dream a dream into reality!

That's saying it can and will be today! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Friday, January 16, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Make it Matter"

You always want to make the moment matter.  You want to influence the outcome of things.  You want to make your mark, create an impact, alter the course, create a lasting impression on others that is positive, influential and  motivating.  Maybe you never say it, but it's there and it should be. Sometimes you can get down on yourself when you don't do it.  Sometimes no matter what you do some won't allow it.  We can get caught up and spend time focused on those people rather than our goals and the positive we bring to the table.  Some people simply find negative in things and they look for the chinks in your armor.   They push back when you push forward.  Yes, those people exist for all of us and they can drain the good in situations.  Remember though as they point out the wrong there are so many willing to point out the right.  The people in your life that cherish you, love you, hold you, are blessed by you, think of you, support you, need you, care for you, trust in you!  You have already made the impact you often wonder if you did with them.  You have already given them exactly what they give you... Support for those wildest of dreams,  comfort for the hardest days, laughter when we all need it, and a shoulder when we will need it... And if you think you are not making a lasting impression on the naysayers in your life think again.  Your ability to continue forward to your goals is why they spend so much time focused on you.  The blessings of God and the gifts of adversity He places in your path are as much for you as it is for them.  They need you and He knows that!  So that maybe your ability to fight for what you believe will influence them to pick up their dreams and go to battle for themselves!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Daily BITUB- "It's up to us!"

We know that God has a plan for us.  We have faith and trust in His way.  Though we mustn't forget it is up to us to be prepared for what comes along that way.  He doesn't give us more than we can handle, but we must be willing to handle it!  What we value, believe in, who and what matters most are still choices we make.  What we choose to fight for, commit ourselves to, dream, live... Yes, that's us too!  Though we know God is there for us does not imply we stop doing all we can to live up to the blessings, our potential and the plan He does have in place.  We are amazing in our ability to be... We have the ability to overcome limitations, to excel and to reach heights as high as we allow ourselves to go!  We simply do all we must and all we can building from the foundation of faith we have created.  Once we begin to empower ourselves to live up to the potential of our blessings and all we are capable of achieving then we begin to realize just how beautiful God's plan for us really can be!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Be Happy"

You want to be happy?  You want to feel joy?  You feel like you can't?  Then ask yourself why aren't you?  What's stopping you?  I know there are a lot of stressful situations out there.  I know there is uncertainty sometimes.  I know there is fear, anxiety, hurt, confusion…. Yes, the list can go on and on and on.  I notice the negative and sometimes it's difficult not to buy in to all of it.  What I have come to find though is amidst all the things that can go wrong there are so many things going right.  We forget that sometimes.  We forget our ability to influence and take life head on seeing the positive.  Attitude plays a huge role in our lives doesn't it?  If you are choosing to allow yourself to notice only the bad you are overlooking the fact that it is a choice.  Yes, we have to deal with reality.  We have to deal with the things that must be handled.  Even those we may not want to handle.  In doing that we expose ourselves to the possibilities of making it better, and with it the opportunity to feel that joy and be happy!  We get to come back to the blessings of the day where we get to thank God for helping us through our trials and for guiding us through the dark.  We get to make the moment an experience.  One that finds us leaning on our faith!  A faith that tells us no matter what happens in life God is in control, and for me that's more than enough to give me a reason to feel that joy and to find the happy in today! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Comfort?"

Sometimes it is hard to shed the familiar.  It is a comfort zone in many respects to surround ourselves with what we know.  Yet sometimes that means allowing ourselves to be surrounded by things that are confining us rather then allowing us to grow.  We have all done it…  Allowed people, places, things to stay in our lives well past the time they should.  We condition ourselves to take it, to put up with, even to pretend that it's ok… When in actuality we know that it is not.  Think about those willing to venture into the unknown.  Think about you and all the times you have.  I've said it before that sometimes you have to expose all the things in your life in order to strip yourself of the non essentials.  Those things that are not helping you reach your dreams, goals and potential.  The things that maybe at one point you felt where part of your foundation, that are now part of the anchor that keeps you from building from that foundation.  You must have the strength to let it go.  I know it's easier said then done, but you are a blessing and God intends for you to shine.  Allow yourself that opportunity.  When you start to allow your light to illuminate your surroundings you will begin to see exactly who and what you truly need to be there.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Monday, January 12, 2015

Daily BITUB- "It's Time!"

You asked for it! You wanted this opportunity!  You worked for it!  You prepared!  This is your moment!  People said you couldn't. Others said you wouldn't. Then there are those who trusted in you. They supported you. Made sacrifices for you. Yet, they don't want you to do it for them they need you to do it for you!  They are there watching, hoping, praying... It's up to you though. No one can do it for you. It's your call, your goal, your dreams!  Your faith has carried you and God is with you as you embark on this new chapter!  Don't hesitate!  Take your faith and leap!  See the blessings others see when they look to you!  It's time- Become what you know you can, be extraordinary in your pursuit of happiness, be you in all things and most of all Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU!

Have a blessed week.


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Friday, January 9, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Choices"

I know that it isn't easy to make choices sometimes.   Especially when nothing seems like it is right.  Yet often the decision we must make is simply to make one so that we may move forward with our lives, experience the outcome and make the determination of what must come next.  The decision isn't about right and wrong it's about the opportunity to right our wrongs, but we must be willing to act and leap in faith!  We must be willing to lean on our values.  

Focus on the comfort of those supporters that love you.  Focus on the hope that exists in that support.  Focus on the instinct and desire to achieve and overcome that exists once you allow yourself the trust necessary to make the choice to put yourself out there!  We know that God has us, and no matter what we face, no matter the choices we make He will continue to be there through it all. So what are you waiting for?  What is holding you back?  Today make the choices necessary to live, to be, to move forward and to Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU!

Have a blessed weekend!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Live and Learn"

It's interesting what we learn about ourselves after a hard day.  We all have them and each one gives us something to draw from.  It's within those days we get to find out what makes us happy, sad, hurt, disappointed.  It's where we determine what and who we trust, believe in and are willing to fight for.  We are constantly in motion towards our goals and dreams even before we know exactly what those dreams may be.  We get challenged at the highest of levels sometimes, and yes sometimes it even breaks us… But yet we get up, move forward, progress.  That's faith!  That's strength!  That's understanding the significance of what matters most to us!  What we thought today was the most important, tommorrow may not be.  What we needed to happen in this instant may not have, but we still managed to function.  Life and people in it come at us.  It can change who we are, what we feel and why we feel it if we want and need it to. It's a choice.  Sometimes though it's for the better and thus it makes us better, stronger and wiser.  Life demands our attention and deserves all of it!  We get to choose the direction our life will go!  God has given us the gift of life and this journey, and while it may be hard sometimes find the good and be grateful to be able to learn, to grow, to experience and to have the opportunity to do so each and every day we are blessed to live it.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Yes you can!"

Developing and evolving requires a constant learning. It's accepting the areas we must improve and taking notice of the things that do not benefit our progression.  It's being open enough to face our challenges with the understanding that we may have created some of them.  Taking ownership of that empowers us to realize if we got ourselves here then we can get ourselves away from here.  We have the ability to make the changes we must to be what we need to be.  We must utilize things we may have forgotten and encourage our strengths by appreciating the talents within ourselves to help move beyond any limitations that have been previously set.  You have countless blessings from God!  Countless!  Blessings that strengthen an already solid foundation of faith.  A faith in this moment so that you may trust your ability to stare adversity down and overcome it!  You can, you will and most of all remember and draw from all those experiences where you already have!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Don't Back Down"

You can't and honestly won't make everyone happy... That's not how it works.  You have views, values, dreams, aspirations, goals, and your determination to reach them may not always be met with open arms.  Some see potential as a risk of their exposure.  Don't let that stop you!  Don't be afraid to raise the bar.  Don't be hesitant because you are afraid to fail.  Fear of failure isn't an option!  You are committed to being a better you!  Your focus will inspire others and will challenge even more.  The critics in your life may push back, but the supporters will help push you forward!  Focus on positive influences and the positive that exists within you!  Don't back down from what matters and don't stop trusting in your abilities and the blessings that God has given you! Realize what matters.  While everyone, positive and negative, plays some role in your life remember you are the lead!  Realize that the more you reach the more you influence others to do the same!  While you can't make everyone happy... It is often within our own happiness we help others to realize theirs. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Monday, January 5, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Give"

Strengthen your faith by helping others realize theirs!  God bestows moments upon us so we can become the beautiful blessings He intended us to be and be committed to giving more than we take!  Life is filled with those moments where we are blessed to give advice, give a shoulder to cry on, give laughter, a smile, a hug,  our tears, our wisdom, our love, our home, our lessons, our encouragement.  Every day there is something that presents itself. It may be life changing placed directly in our path impossible to overlook.  It may be small where we don't realize the impact at all.  Either way if we live our lives the way He intended us to live them then no matter the moment we will be where we must exactly when we should be.  Be that difference in someone's life and remember... It's not an obligation it is a privilege.  So, offer those helping hands every chance you get, and know no matter what God will always have you in His.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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