Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Chapters"

The new adventures in our lives often come after a chapter of life closes.  Sometimes though it's the unfamiliarity of those new adventures that finds us stagnant and unwilling to close the chapter we are currently in.  We find ourselves allowing things to linger, and as a result we never truly allow ourselves the opportunity to move on.  I realize it is easier said than done... I've been there and rest assured what I have found is the false starts to new beginnings are all a part of our growth and the process needed to develop the strength and confidence to close those chapters.  It will happen when we are ready, but trusting in ourselves and God's plan helps us prepare for what can come next!  While we should reflect on our previous chapters, as it gives us perspective, we must give ourselves the blessing of a fresh start sometimes.  Take the experience for what it offered, embrace the memories, good and bad, and then get on with it!  Believe in the Unbelievable possibilities that exist in progression, and remember that each chapter will always have a familiar start- You, your faith and God leading the way!  So allow those chapters you know must be closed to do just that, and get on with living life... Your next adventure awaits!  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Monday, June 29, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Approval"

We can't make everyone happy.  It's not the way things go.  The important thing is you believe in the decisions you make, and that you stand firm being willing to fight for what you feel is right.  If we spend our time hoping for approval from all then we simply are not being true to ourselves.  Honestly... We aren't being true to anyone!  Our ability to be us in all situations is what creates the foundation for solid relationships in our lives.  Those that matter most to us should know what we value, like, dislike, care about... And it may not be at all what they do!  What will emerge though is a bond not built in pacification, but one built in trust, love, honesty and respect!  Approval?  If you are seeking it, then start with you!  It begins within by accepting the blessings and gifts from God!  It begins by making the changes we need for us to be better, stronger and happy with who we are!  Then it's living it, being it, expressing it and nurturing it!  Approval? We must approve of ourselves before we can expect anyone else to. Chances are just by being you... You will surround yourself with others willing to do the same, and wouldn't we all approve of that. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Friday, June 26, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Instincts"

Listen to your instincts!  

What are they telling you?  What do you feel is your next move?  What do you need to happen?  Have you prayed?  Have you asked God for guidance?  Sometimes it's all you have to go on, and sometimes it may be exactly what you should go on!  It's those deep feelings, those instincts, that have been conditioned over time by experiences that have shaped you. They have given you perspective and a sense of what truly matters.  It's those instincts that are rooted in faith... Faith that God has you and will always be there to guide you if you allow Him.  Faith that the next move is the right one!  Faith in yourself and that instinct that says you simply must leap and trust that wherever you land it will be that much closer to your dreams!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Daily BITUB- "What's the question?"

What lesson did I just learn?  

Ever been there?  Sitting, asking, thinking of what you should take from this moment?  Are you there now?  Searching for an answer isn't easy, especially if you aren't asking the right questions.  Even harder if you aren't asking the right people to help you find those answers.  It's inevitable that you will come face to face with people and things that can challenge your worth.  They make you doubt your beauty.  They deter you from the goals you have set.  That is if you are willing to let them.  That really is the question isn't it?  Will you let them?  Remember negative people gain strength only when we give it to them!  There is simply too much positive that exists around us for those negative things to matter.  Instead answer the question with confidence... With your blessings in mind.  With the strength of experience.  With your faith in God and His love for you!  

Will you let them stop you from being what you know you can be?

You know the answer.  You don't even have to say it.  Instead... Why don't you show them.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!  


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Give it all of you!"

Give it all of you!  

Give it all of you each and everyday!  Even when the odds are stacked against you!  Even when it seems that the valley you are in is too deep!  Even when you are at wits end!  Even when your naysayers are pushing you back!  Give it all of you!  It matters!  It matters and is inspiring!  It challenges others to go after their goals as they see you going after yours despite the adversity!  It strengthens your character and gives you confidence in your ability to handle whatever comes your way!  Give it all of you!  It deters the negative people as they begin to realize that your determination is stronger than their doubt!  It allows you to reach beyond limitations and exceed expectations!  Be the blessings God has given you!  Climb the mountain!  Reach for those stars!  Fight for your wildest dreams!  Live the beautiful gift of life God has given you! 

Give it all of you and Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU!

Have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Move towards your dream!"

You are always heading towards your dreams...  Even when you may think they are out of reach, too difficult to obtain or others are telling you that it's not possible.  That's what makes it amazing isn't it?  That's what makes the dreams you have...  Yours!  It's going to be hard at times.  There will even be those moments when you feel all is lost and you want to give up.  I've been there... I've even convinced myself that the dreams I had weren't worth the fight.  That's when all those lessons, all the values and attributes of the people who influenced me came to the forefront.  That's when God's blessings cleared the path...  But not before I believed in myself, in those dreams and committed to the importance of them in my life.  I've said it often that if we can imagine it then we can accomplish it.  If we trust in those blessings and have faith in our path then we are on the right one... The right one that inevitably leads us exactly to the place where all our dreams come true.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Monday, June 22, 2015

Daily BITUB- "You want it?"

You want to grow?  Want to be better?  Want to excel, exceed and flourish?  Then what are you doing to accomplish that?  God has blessed you with the opportunity to achieve, but all aspects of achieving require effort that starts with you!  No one can make you want more, you have to want it!  No one can make you do more, you have to do it! No one can make you reach your boundaries and push through them, you have to drive!  Everyone has the ability, but being willing to dig deep and find it takes a commitment... A commitment to be a better you, a promise to yourself to reach for your potential and not stop until you realize it!  You got this!  It's in you!  Give yourself the chance to be... To be great, to be extraordinary, to be the person you want to be, the one you know you can be and to Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU!

Have a blessed day. 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Friday, June 19, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Decisions!"

Are you facing some tough decisions?  Are you afraid of what those may bring?  Well, if we think back and remember some of the decisions we have made before...  Those decisions that seemingly changed our course and set us on a path that maybe we didn't really expect... Then we know making those decisions are a must.  Remember-Though we may be on unfamiliar ground we are comforted by the presence of God within the people and things He places on that path.  Everything we experience is part of His plan, and thus while it seems our course has changed we are exactly where we should be in that moment.  Once we accept that our faith allows us to embrace those decisions.  We find our passions and dreams once again at the forefront and we reengage ourselves in moving closer and closer to making them our reality... As only we can do!  As we reflect on those moments we must remember how at the time we may not have felt it, but we know now they helped shape us, helped us grow, challenged us, gave us strength, built our character and set the starting point to the blessings and opportunity for new decisions to be made today.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Look at you!"

What do you see when you look at yourself?

Funny how we look at ourselves and find all the things we don't do, we aren't, that we fall short on...   Take a look around you and realize just how many people are using your light to illuminate their path. 

Someone looks at you everyday and thinks, Wow... Look at them!  Look at how they carry themselves.  Look at how they face challenges, create opportunities, embrace the moment, make success from nothing and then... Smile through it all!  Someone looks at you everyday and says thank you God for letting them be in my life!  Thank you God for allowing me to share in their light and to be a part of their dreams.  Thank you God for motivating and inspiring me through people like that!  Someone looks at you everyday and finds comfort you are there.  They feel safe around you, happy as your positive outlook gives them reason to smile.  They feel more confident because you encourage them and support their goals!  Someone looks at you everyday and says a prayer for you... That you reach your dreams, that you exceed your boundaries, that you let your light continue to bless others and that you realize just how amazingly unbelievable they believe you to be!  

We all have things we can be better at, but don't overlook the blessings that surround you and the ability to take a moment to simply be your blessings!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Daily BITUB- "All for a reason!"

There is much truth in the saying that everything happens for a reason.  It's not always easy to accept that as things we didn't expect are happening... But prayer, faith and hope are extremely strong and needed in those moments as we put our trust in God and let things unfold.  I've learned that the road of life often brings us back to places, people and moments we once knew.  The perspective though is different as we have been blessed with experiences along the way.  We've learned lessons the hard way, met those who have challenged us, cherished those who have supported us, grown from the adversity, been humbled, basked in successes, climbed from our valleys and given thanks for our peaks.  I've said it before...  Life gives us the privilege of doing our very best to give more than we take... To appreciate our blessings, to trust that God knows what we need, to stand firm on our foundation of faith and to Believe in the Unbelievable possibilities that can exist when we simply allow them to.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Don't give up!"

Don't give up on your dreams.  Maybe they aren't happening at a pace you want, but stopping the pursuit isn't the answer.  Instead have you asked what you are missing?  What aren't you doing that you could to get you there?  Are you helping pave the way or simply looking for a path already made?  Most importantly... Is God at the center of that pursuit?  You know that answer! You also know that you possess the strength and the determination needed to reach those dreams.  Sometimes you simply need to recommit to it!  You need to refocus on why it matters to you.  You need to make a point to understand why it's your dream and then realize the beauty in achieving it!  Then you must reconnect with your faith, with prayer and with God!  Once you do that I assure you that you will no longer be waiting for the path... You will come to realize that you are already on it!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Monday, June 15, 2015

Daily BITUB- "What is it going to be?"

This time.  This place.  This moment.  The person you are right now!  What does it mean to you?  What feeling do you have about where you are?  Satisfied?  Ok?  Happy?  Scared?  Content?  Maybe you want more.  Maybe you need more.  What brought you here?  What keeps you here?  Are you sitting shaking your head trying to figure out why things happen?  Are you at a peak and wondering how to stay there?  Are you reaching a goal today?  Setting one?  Are you at wits end with someone?  Are they with you?  Are you trying to figure out what comes next?  Are you trying to determine if the dream is worth it?  You know we could spend all day thinking, wondering, asking questions about our life... Or we can take this gift... We can take God's blessings and we can live!  We can love!  We can be loved!  We can give!  We can be!  We can take chances!  We can make choices!  We can push through the limitations and adversity we face!  We can laugh, cry, feel!  We can share!  We can care!  We can cherish the place we are in!  We can move to the place we want to be!  We can do anything to impact our "now"!  We can be anything to become our vision of tomorrow!  We can trust in faith!  We can give thanks to God for opportunity, and we can Believe in the Unbelievable beauty that is this time, this place, this moment!  

So...   What is it going to be? 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Friday, June 12, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Solutions"

I once wrote...  "If you don't take the time to understand the problem then you can't possibly find the solution."  Over the years that has become more and more apparent as I have grown in my relationships, career and in self discovery.  Reflecting on my own battles, facing my fears, experiencing life in all it's peaks and valleys I have found that growth came only after I slowed down long enough to get it.  Reality though... It didn't always come easy.  Sometimes it was after fits of anger, emotional breakdowns, confusion, tears, blaming and deflecting. Sometimes it took years to understand because of my refusal to want to understand.  I can honestly say that in every situation often times it was my own attitude, my choices, my emotions that created the adversity and problem to begin with.  I challenged the moment rather than embracing the experience.  I share this because I know that many face it day after day.  That many look for answers outside rather then starting within.  That many feel they can't do it any more and the battle is too much.  That many, once they start to try and understand, find it difficult to determine what comes next.  Truth is... What comes next is what has always been... God, you, your faith and the strength to trust you have the ability to overcome and to realize the blessings in the darkest, most challenging moments.  So if you are struggling to fight the battle and to find answers... Slow down to assess the situation and to understand it.  Look at where the problem began, where it is now and where you need it to be.  Chances are, you will find just how powerful you can be - through God, through your blessings, through those around you, and you will find how capable you are to face it and realize that the solution you are looking for begins right here with you.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend.


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Relief"


Relief from a person, place, a feeling, doubts, fears?

You need relief or you are just going to throw in the towel!  You are going to be done with it and move on!  You are lost in this storm and don't know where to go next!  Guess what?  It's still going to be there if you don't face it!  Still going to be a thought that will often show up when you least expect it.  Relief?  Walking away won't solve it!  You can't run away from it!  Instead slow down for a moment and let it all catch up.  While it does give yourself the time to pray and talk to God.  Allow yourself the opportunity to catch your breath, rejuvenate your spirit, lean on someone's faith if you must!  Allow yourself to gather your strength and find your fight!  It's there!  Then... Don't just move on, but move forward and through it.  Handle what you must so that you gain the blessing of experience.  Could there be hurt, frustration, confusion... Of course, but that's all part of living life!  It's part of being an active participant in ourselves and what matters most to us!  It's learning about who we are everyday and building upon those foundations!  The relief will come as we begin to realize how we are better for this storm, how strong we can be when we must to weather it and that our faith in God and His plan says we can face anything if we truly allow Him to guide us...  And through Him we will always find the relief He knows we need exactly at the moment need it. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Go for it!"

You don't have to pick just one! Have as many dreams and goals as you like!  Make them as big and lofty as you need!  Throw every idea out there, speak it out loud, write it down and commit it to memory!  Whatever you need to do...  Go for it!  Don't let anyone tell you that you can't!  No one can stop you once you dedicate your passion to something!  You've shown that drive before!  Sure there will be setbacks... Sure there will be shortfalls and things won't always play out as you may have had them in your head...  So what!  That doesn't mean you stop!  Learn from it and keep moving!  If it matters to you, if it is worth it to you, if you get that feeling of drive when you think if it... Then let's go!  Get up!  Get ready to fight for it! Get ready to push!  Get ready to do what you know you can and surprise yourself by doing more than you ever did! Dreams are meant to be realized!  Blessings are abundant...  So be your blessings!  Give thanks to God by giving all of you to the gift of life!  Stop worrying about what could be and start creating what should be!   Live it, feel it, be it!   If you really want to change the world there's no better place to start with than yours! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Daily BITUB- "In His Hands"

I once wrote that while good things come to those who wait, great things come to those willing to work hard and earn it.  There will come a point though when you have waited, you have worked and you have done all you can yet you still are not where you want to be.  So then what?  Ask yourself are you truly putting it in God's hands?  I know that we say that we are, we pray that we can and we even try to convince ourselves sometimes that we do...  But are we?  Are we really allowing faith to lead the way?  Be trusting in your prayers, your hope, your blessings and that the outcome of all things through Him will be the right outcome.  The right outcome at His pace and His time... Not ours.  The trials, the challenges, the success, the joy and pain... All of it is part of letting His will be done.  So yes, good, great and all the beautiful blessings that come with it are exactly when and where they should be.  In your faith and in His hands.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Monday, June 8, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Thankful"

Giving thanks to God for this gift of life!  

Another year in the books and what a year it has been.   A lot of lessons, challenges and an abundance of blessings.  Everyday there are those moments we stand at our crossroads.  Big or small it is those choices that create the opportunities to be a better us, to be more helpful, to share, to grow, to live, to love...   Those opportunities where our faith tells us to leap and our trust in God's path assures us that wherever we land we are in His hands.  

I want to say thank you today and everyday for the opportunity to share my thoughts, for the kind words, for the support and for the inspiration so many give to me.  It has been an amazing year and as I have said before the journey is long...  I am blessed to be taking the long way around!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Friday, June 5, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Moments"

Have you ever sat in a moment thinking... Wow, this feels perfect.  Everything is going so well.  That must mean something bad is bound to happen.  It's unfortunate, but many people have conditioned themselves to worry about what may be instead of what is!  They think of the negative rather then embracing this place, this beauty, this memory!  They look for the dark lining within the clouds of silver ones and create shadows against the light.  I've been there, and it wasn't that I didn't appreciate the opportunities... It's that often I challenged my worth.  I challenged if I deserved this feeling of happiness.  It happens and truth is those who challenge their happiness don't always see just how much happiness they truly have earned throughout the journey.  Think of your high points and why you have them... You will begin to understand that the valleys will always be there, but so will those peaks you have fought so hard to reach!   Steady yourself a top that place and accept that you are blessed within this moment!  That God has given you this gift!   Yes, the challenges, the adversity, the hard of life will come again, but let those come when you are at your best!  Don't bring yourself to those times!  No... Let them find their way to you if they are supposed to be.  Instead give all of you to the amazing moments... You who is living, appreciating and cherishing all that life can be!  You who loves to feel the moment!  So feel it for the joy it is, live it for the opportunities it creates and Believe in the Unbelievable that can and will exist if we simply allow it. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Daily BITUB- "It matters!"

Have you told yourself lately that you matter?  Have you shown yourself lately that you matter?  Have you taken a step back and looked at yourself and determined what you need to make yourself feel great about you?  Are you fighting battles about what's best for you, what comes next for you, why you are here, why you aren't there?  Are you appreciating the beauty that is you?  Are you basking in the many blessings God has bestowed on you, or is the negativity clouding that view?  Are you settling for this because you are too afraid to pursue that?  

I have... Done it all... Sometimes I still do.  Sometimes I convince myself it's not worth it.  That this comfort zone is simply to comfortable for me to move out of, but then I see it.  I see that person go beyond anything I could imagine.  I see a person get up after they were told they couldn't. I see someone fight even when they know they have lost... Finding victory in the ability to fight.  I see it... It matters.  They matter.  We matter.

So, I step forward with faith!  Strong with God!  Clear and determined to do exactly what I know I can...   Chasing the dreams and goals I've always had and creating the reality that I know I want!  Why?  Because we can! Why? Because God loves us!  Why?  Because no matter what I Believe in the Unbelievable moments and I Believe in the Unbelievable people that have always believed in me. 

Have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Pray"

Where am I? 

Listen to yourself!  I mean truly listen to what you are saying.  Can you hear it?  Do you hear what you are telling yourself?  Have you ever just listened to your prayers...  What are you asking God for?  More importantly what are you thanking Him for?  Our prayers often tell us what matters most to us.  They tell us what we need, what we hold dear, who we are thinking about and why we think about them.  We talk to God about our hopes, we give Him our fears, we sit quietly so He can guide us through our thoughts.  We tell Him about our day and we open about about our tomorrow.  We thank Him for the blessings we cherish.  The ones we ask Him to protect, to help, to hold...  The ones that hold us, give us strength, foundation and help to define purpose within our lives.  The ones whose passion is contagious and gives strength to pursue happiness simply by their ability to pursue theirs. Have you prayed lately?  Prayers often define our place.  So, wondering where you are?  Wondering what you feel, need and what comes next?  Wondering what matters most in this moment?  

Then simply pray and I assure you God will let you know you are exactly where you need to be the moment you need to be there. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Ready, set, GO!"


It's time to get back on track and execute on your plan!  Sure, there are detractors!  Sure there are setbacks, naysayers, negative influences... So what!  Remember negativity and negative people get strength only when we allow it to stop our dreams from becoming the reality we know we want and need!  So go ahead and acknowledge it, but use it to fuel that passion!  Use it to show just how strong you are! Use it for experience and testimonial to your ability to persevere and to overcome! Use it to push you beyond the limitations others will set!  Remember... The road won't always be easy but the journey will always be worth it!  So refocus your energy on those things and those people that matter!  Realign your priorities if need be and always trust in God's plan!  Now is the perfect time!  

So, what are you waiting for...   


Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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