Friday, July 29, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Just Some Thoughts"

I'm sitting here tonight watching the news.  There is story after story of anger, lost lives, people on the streets, people without food...  It goes on and on.  I read posts on FB about politics.  Everybody seems to have an opinion.  Everyone seems to know exactly what's right for everyone else.  I hear speeches on TV, both passionate, but so opposite of each other.  I hear people shouting from the rooftops what they believe, but yet they get offended when someone does the same if they don't agree with it.  So as I wonder where we are going, and think about the future my kids will have.  I pray that somehow we all find the peace we are looking for.  That we appreciate the opportunity to voice our opinion and respect the opinions of others.  That we are vocal, yet peaceful.  That we realize that people are fighting right now for the freedom to do what we do, say what we feel, and live how we choose to live. That we choose love over hate.  That we give more than we take. That we profess our faith as passionately as we profess our politics and opinions. I pray that amidst all the chaos that is around us that we see the blessings that surround us.  In all the speeches, rants, debates I am reminded of a quote that today seems to fit...  Only if you want it to. 

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."- Abraham Lincoln

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Beauty"

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I couldn't agree more.  Throughout the day it's easy to get caught up in the ugly that is around us.  The anger, resentment, the negativity...  The list can go on and on.  While we shouldn't ignore it all, and do what we can to make a difference where we can, we mustn't ignore the good that exists either.  There are wonderful moments happening all around us.  From the smallest gestures- a hug, a thank you, a smile, a word of encouragement...  To the biggest ones- a community action team providing for employees in need (yesterday in our center), a friend going above and beyond helping another when they had nowhere else to go, a conversation letting someone vent and being a shoulder because they needed it.  Every day there is something.  How we look at the day is up to us.  We can notice the good or the bad.  We can be the negative or the positive.  We can be the problem or the solution.  We can be whatever we want to be, do whatever we want to do, complain or give thanks to God for  the opportunity...  The opportunity to behold just how much beauty there is all around us. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Think!"

Sometimes we just have to sit back and Think!   

Think about what you want!  Think about what you need! Think about where you are.  Think about where you want to go.  Think about the positive.  Think about the people you live for.  Think about what today can bring. Think about how much you are loved.  Think about your dreams!  Think about the opportunities to be more than you were yesterday.  Think about what you can give back.  Think about your influence.  Think about what you are praying for.  Think about how many prayers have already been answered!  Think about family.  Think about friends.  Think about your future.  Think about your now.  Think about God and His grace.  Think about the journey.   Think about the blessing of being able to continue on it today. 

Think and Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU! 

Have a blessed day. 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Focus"

Focus on what you control!  Focus on what you influence!  Focus on impacting the things you can and allow that impact to resonate into the things that matter most.  Put your energy into growth, into learning, sharing, giving.  Nurture your blessings, and let your faith lead the way!  Push through the doubt.  Fight through the adversity. Don't accept limitations!  Give yourself a chance by trying and then try again.  Don't give up on living...  There is simply too much life has to offer, if we are willing to live it!  Don't allow the negativity around you to deter you.  Always remember that negative people cast shadows around them! Positive people allow their light to shine beyond them!  Be that light, surround yourself by the light of others.  Put yourself in the places that motivate you, that fire you up, that allow you to focus...  To focus on what you control.  To focus on Believing in the Unbelievable that is YOU!

Have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Monday, July 25, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Start Being It!"

"Everybody dies, but not everybody lives."- Drake (Moment 4 Life w/Nicki Manaj)

Are you looking for ways to be a better you?  Looking for opportunities to grow, develop and exceed limitations?  Why not push yourself?  Why not do more today than you expected?  Why not start your workout, pick up a new hobby, study more, run an extra mile, give a little more?  Why can't you dream bigger?  Thing is we often find ways to tell ourselves exactly why not, instead of finding all the ways why we can!  We must engage in living if we want more out of life.  Sometimes we are going to need a push or a pull from those supporters in our life.  We may not like it, but deep down we know we need it.  There are no real obstacles.  There are no real excuses. There are no real limitations.  If you want it then you go get it!  If you need it then you find a way!  If you believe then anything is possible!  So get to living and stop looking for ways to be a better you and start being it!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Friday, July 22, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Trust and Change!"

Sometimes you need to make a change.  Sometimes you need a complete overhaul.  The hardest thing sometimes is realizing that somethings aren't working out like you expected.   Maybe it's your eating habits.  Maybe it's a relationship.  Maybe it's your job.  Maybe it's how you spend your time.  Every choice about how you live life, who is in your life, and what you live for belongs to you.  God may put us on the path, but He isn't going to decide what to do while on it...  That is up to us!  While venturing into uncharted territory, leaving a comfort zone, or chasing that wild dream may be frightening...  We can't sit idle waiting for the things we know we need in order to reach our full potential.  So go after it!  Make that change.  Overhaul the things not conducive to a better you.  Trust in faith.  Trust in the possibilities of what can be. "
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 
in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."- Proverbs 3:5-6 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Let it Unfold"

Allow the moment to unfold before you decide what will come of it.  Don't jump to conclusions.  Don't make rash decisions.  Don't assume the worst.  We've all done it!  Every moment has a course, let it run it!  As it does take from it the good and take inventory of the things you can change.  Grab hold of the blessings, as in every moment there are some. Use them when you feel lost to find your way.  Let them illuminate your path.  Let them comfort you, guide you, give you hope, and strengthen your faith.  Let every step, every motion forward, every wall, roadblock, challenge show you what you are capable of achieving and what you can and will overcome.  Then...  Give back!  Share your experiences.  Tell your story.  Allow others to know what you think, feel what you feel, and be a part of the journey!  Lend them your faith as others have lent you theirs when you needed it.  Let them know even in the darkest moments God provides blessings.  It may take a moment to realize them, but we just have to be patient and let the moment unfold.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Pick Your Battles"

Sometimes you have to pick your battles.  You have to make the decision to fight for the things that will make the biggest impact on the dreams you are chasing.  You have to take ownership of the course you want life to go.  Sometimes it's not clear.  Sometimes you aren't sure why you want things to be a certain way, why you want to get to a certain point, why you are pushing yourself to reach your desired destination.  Sometimes it takes the twist and turns of life, the detours, and the set backs to help you realize it matters that much to you...  So much you are willing to continue to work your way back to the main path to reaching your goals.  Life can be busy, but we mustn't be so focused on the things we want to happen we lose sight of the things we need to happen.  You have to prioritize what matters most and commit to putting all you are into that.  Then you will start to understand the battle you are fighting is exactly the one you should be. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Reminder"

I've forgotten just how many blessings exist in life.  I've tried my best and failed.  I've pushed myself only to fall short.  I've been in those places where no matter how hard I tried I couldn't see the light.  I've made wrong choices, been angry for the wrong reasons, given up instead of fighting.  I've blamed other's for my mistakes instead of taking ownership.  I've lost my way.  Even the strongest in faith grow weary at times.  Try as we might sometimes life presents struggles that bring us to our knees.  It took years for me to understand that once there I had but to pray.  Pray for guidance, for understanding, for my faith to allow me to trust in God and His plan...  To believe when it seemed impossible to believe.  While easier said then done, it has pulled me through the darkest moments.  It has helped me see the smallest blessings, given me opportunities to catch my breath in those tough moments, and helped me realize that each new day was another day to love and live...  And no matter how hard it gets sometimes that's all the reminder we need to see our blessings.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Monday, July 18, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Take it in!"

Don't take a moment for granted.  In an instant everything can change.  Often we find ourselves sitting in those special moments thinking about all the things that could go wrong instead of appreciating all the things going right.  There will always be adversity.  There will always be the unexpected.  That's part of living life to the fullest.  It's part of growing, experiencing and being active in your progression.  Often it's those moments we tend to dwell on and simply overlook all the others. This week I challenge you to be aware of the good!  Be aware of the positive!  Truly make the effort to see it amongst all the things that challenge that vision.  It's there!  Sit back every once and awhile within the moment and take it in.  Look around you and thank God for  the day, the beauty of being able to live it, and all the blessings along the way. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Friday, July 15, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Quit?"

There are always moments where you can quit.  You can throw your hands up and refuse to keep moving forward.  You can simply sit idle waiting for another opportunity.  Yes those moments exist everyday.  They exist when things don't go our way, when we thought someone was a certain way only to find out they weren't, when something we wanted doesn't come to fruition.  These are the moments that define us.  Where we get to realize the blessing amidst the chaos.  Where we get to see the small sliver of light in the darkest room.  Where we decide to create opportunity instead of waiting for it.  Just as every moment comes with a chance we may lose, those same moments are the ones we learn to fight, to push, to grow, to experience...  And that will always be a victory in itself.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Daily BITUB- "It's Your Environment!"

I am not a product of my environment, my environment is a product of me!  We choose who we allow to influence us.  We determine what motivates us.  We create our own inspiration.  We can think the good or bad into any situation.  We can trust in faith and let our light illuminate the path that others may attempt to make dark.  We can be positive influences in a room full of negative.  We can give thanks for what we have instead of wanting the things we don't.  We can face adversity even when the odds are stacked against us.  We can dream the impossible knowing through God everything is!  We can let our surroundings bring us down or we can do our best to lift it up.  We may not ever change the world, but we can stand strong on our foundation of faith and refuse to let the world change us.  We can have a beautiful day knowing that even in our darkest moments there are blessings.  We can simply live and give thanks to God for the opportunity to do so.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Every Chance You Get"

Every chance you get...  You should. 

If you believe in it, then fight for it!  If it matters to you, then stay the course!  Don't compromise your values.  Stay true to your morals. Don't lower your expectations.  Never stop learning.  Always be open to advice.  Share your experiences.  Don't conform. Challenge the norm.  Lead without the title.  Apologize when you should.  Forgive because you must.  Pray often.  Give more than you take.  Laugh at yourself.  Cry with others.  Work hard.  Play hard.  Be thankful.  Appreciate the little things.  Strive for the big ones.  Be honest with others and yourself.  Chase your wildest dreams.  Let your heart guide you.  Ask questions.  Trust in God.  Love and be loved.  Keep the faith.  Be your blessings. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU!

Have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Teamwork"

"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." – Andrew Carnegie

It took many years to realize I couldn't do things by myself.  I felt asking for help was a sign of weakness, when in actuality it was the complete opposite.  Often times we think about our ability, our skill sets, what we know, and believe it's enough.  Then it happens.  We come face to face with something we've never encountered... But we don't realize that someone probably has.  I've learned many things in my 20 years in the business world, but the one thing that has helped me the most is understanding that feedback, sharing of ideas, true leadership, learning through others, knowledge transfer...  Those are the things that elevate a person, an organization, a group, a department to new levels.  Being part of a team and working together shouldn't ever be an obligation.  It is a privilege, and shows the true strength of good leadership.  It is the trust and the belief that working side by side together you can reach further than one individual ever thought possible. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Monday, July 11, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Your Best"

You can't give your best if you are not at your best.  You can't cut corners.  You can't take shortcuts.  You can't talk about what you deserve if you aren't willing to step up and earn it!  It's up to you to decide how, what and when! Grow into what you want to be by focusing on what you need to be it.  Get a plan and execute on it!  Give yourself deadlines, expectations, and then hold yourself accountable!  Own it!  Sure there are people around you that will try to divert your focus.  It's your choice if you are going to let them!  Let God's gift of life inspire you!  Let His blessings surround you and push you!  Let your passion be your driver!  Let your faith lead you!  Remember no one can become anything until they realize they are capable of it!  Positive thoughts creates positive outcomes!  Don't settle for anything less than everything you know you need to give your best...  And then give more!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Friday, July 8, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Prayers"

Today there will be a lot of reflection of what was, what is and the possibility of what can be. There will be anger, fear, confusion, hurt, and debates.  I sat back over the past month trying to make sense of it all, to find something to say, to write, to comfort.  I've come to the point where I will simply pray.  I will pray for God to bless us, for the families of so many who lose their lives daily for senseless reasons, for those trying to cope, for those searching for answers.  I will pray that those wondering where God is, will see Him.  For those losing faith, that they lean on those willing to lend them theirs. I will pray that somehow, someway we remember the strength and the truth that we can and should be ONE nation under God.  I will pray that we don't give up, that we continue to peacefully fight for what we believe in.  I will pray that our perseverance will continue to carry us, our hope will sustain us, and our faith will give us the strength to know that through God all things are possible. I will pray.  

Prayers and thoughts to all today and every day.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Reflect on it"

Yesterday I had an opportunity to speak, and more importantly listen, to several groups.  The theme seemed to be reoccurring.  Not enough hours in the day.  How do I decide what to do first?  How can I do something else?  I want to have that instead of this.  We've all had questions very similar at some time in our lives.  We may have them now.  Thing is we often project on others- blaming, pointing fingers, making excuses...  Basically letting ourselves off the hook.  Periodically it's important to self reflect, take inventory of life, and ensure your priorities are in line with your goals and values. Our tendency is to focus on what we don't have instead of appreciating what we do, and before you know it, it simply may not be there anymore. We have to take ownership of our progression, our dreams, our lives.  We have to look at ourselves and determine what we must change,   what we need to improve upon, and what we control.  Take a step back, and figure it out!  While we should always be moving forward, slowing down and reflecting on what matters most may actually give us the focus necessary to move faster than we ever thought possible.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Set the Standard"

If you are looking to set standards and create expectations then you must be prepared to lead by example.  You must be open to the feedback that you are willing to give to others.  You must understand that leadership is not about a title it's about how you carry yourself at all times.  It's how you attack an issue, offer solutions, listen to other's ideas, share your insight and deliver on the promise to do all you can every chance you get.  People will look to you to determine how and why something should be done. Saying and asking for things to be a certain way means you are willing to do it yourself.  Our influence on the outcome is being the picture we paint and showing, through actions, we appreciate the blessing of pushing ourselves to be the best we can be day after day.  Appreciate the opportunity to lead and don't settle for anything less than setting the highest of expectations... Starting with you! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Daily BITUB- "What you waiting for?"

Are you waiting for that perfect moment?  Waiting for the stars to align and the path to be clear?  Once that happens then you will push forward!  You will go after it and never look back! 


You may be waiting a long time.  In fact you may have been waiting a long time already.  While somethings may fall into our lap we must be prepared to take charge of our lives and create opportunities.  We must be willing to experience the good and the bad, the success and the failure, the setbacks and the victories!  You have to run the race to have a chance to win it!  You have to believe that each leap of faith puts you that much closer to your dream no matter where you land!  So what are you waiting for?  You already have what it takes to begin the journey; you must believe that you will find the rest along the way to finish it.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Monday, July 4, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Independence Day"

Every day in every way we are given the beauty of God's blessings!  We are given the blessing of the soldiers that have and are protecting us and their families who make the sacrifices so they can.  Because of that blessing, that independence and freedom, we get the opportunity to dream, to fight, to live and to be!  

"O beautiful for heroes proved 
In liberating strife. 
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!" -America the Beautiful 

Happy 4th everyone! Be safe, be thankful, be your blessings and Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU!  Have a blessed 4th.


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Friday, July 1, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Climb!"

"We don't climb mountains because we have to, we climb them because we can!"- David A. Carrizales

The mountain may be high, but standing there looking at it isn't going to make it any less smaller.  We all spend time wondering if it's worth the effort.  Many times we are very good at convincing ourselves it isn't. Stop using your energy questioning if you can, and start focusing that energy on the belief that you will.  Think about all of you it will take to reach that peak! Think about the mountains you've climbed to get here!  Each step is a building block to a stronger more confident you! Every pull, push, leap of faith is taking you that much closer to your goals, your dreams and the beauty of what can be.  Be blessed by the mountains God gives you, and get to climbing!  When you reach that peak, and you will, remember to take a moment to thank God for allowing you to stand upon that peak and look at how far you've come.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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