Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Appreciation”

Honor them by appreciating them.  


Those that matter to you.  Those that have influenced you.  The ones who have made a difference in your life. Your children, parents, family, spouse, a mentor.  You don't have to tell them if you take time to show them. Show them by excelling, by giving it your all, by pushing past limitations, by helping others as you've been helped, by supporting their dreams, by living yours!  Be blessed by those influences and share your experiences, knowledge, and growth with others that you may be influencing right now!  The journey is beautiful! Appreciate the beauty of having paths to follow!  Thank God for those special people every chance you get!  Remember it's not about who you must live with, it is the blessing of those you get to live for! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Daily BITUB- “I’ve Heard”

"O'LORD, lead me in Your righteousness because of my foes; Make Your way straight before me." -Psalm 5:8 

I've heard people talk about how they would handle a situation that wasn't theirs to handle.  I've heard people question other's decisions and choices.  I've heard how they would handle things, and they attempt to understand the reasoning behind those choices.  I've even heard people say they could have done it better or they would have done things differently.  We all have our thoughts and opinions.  Thing is, I would never attempt to question someone's logic when it comes to their choices.  I don't know their circumstances, nor am I anyone to judge.  People ask me often to talk to a group, to motivate someone to be better, to push them back on to the right path.  Interestingly enough, I've found motivation is not talking about how you handle someone's life.  It is realizing their path is not yours. Instead, offer inspiration in the moment by listening, being there, keeping their head up, being a shoulder to cry on and a back to lean upon.  Pray with them, lend them your faith, show them your belief in who they are and your trust in God, simply by allowing them to experience life as you share some of yours with them.  Give others the good in you by realizing they can't walk your path, but the example you set can help them maneuver theirs.  As we are blessed to cross one another's paths, remember while we may truly never walk in each other's shoes, we can all be assured we are always in God's hands!  That is always a good situation to be in!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Monday, February 26, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Perfect”

God is not obligated to present us with a perfect scenario, but what I've come to realize is He does! He presents us with the exact scenario He knows we need. That instance where we are called upon to find ourselves. It's that point where all we have experienced becomes apparent, and who we need to be is exactly who we are. Yes, it's difficult to see sometimes. Even more difficult to accept at other times. We challenge the notion that this is our life, our reality. We ask God why this is happening? When will it change? How could it change? Then we cross a path of someone who needs our thoughts, moments, lessons. We venture into a situation where our memory takes over and we are able to handle it better than ever before. We no longer are challenged by things we once thought impossible, and we help others cross the bridge we have built through our moments. Then we get it and aren't asking when will it change or why me? We start to understand it must and needed to be so that we could be here and now. Where the next scenario God has prepared for us fits exactly into our lives. Perfectly.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Friday, February 23, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Worth it?”

Was it worth it?

The struggle?
The adversity?
The pain?
The tears?
The hurt?
The fear?
The stress?
The worry?

Was it worth it?

Yes!  Even when it feels like it wasn't! Despite our most challenging experiences, and though it may not be immediate, everything helps us be more!  We take bits and pieces that allow us the blessing of applying it somewhere else at another time.  We can look back at our moments and see we weren't the same person we are now!  We realize that we are looking at someone who has and continues to evolve.  A person developing.  A better, wiser, stronger person.  Realizing that faith carries us, hope nurtures us, and God holds us through it all!  It has all been worth it! Necessary parts of the journey that open up more of what matters. Necessary parts that bring clarity as to where we should go and who should go with us!  The question isn't was it worth it, but rather just how worth it will we let it be?

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Listen to Your Heart”

Listen to your heart.  Pay attention to what it's saying.  Sometimes we let our minds interfere with what we truly want to pursue.  We let ourselves give in to the notion it's not possible because we've never done it.  We doubt ourselves because it's easier than picking ourselves up and pushing through barriers we created.  Often, it's in those uncharted territories that people realize what they are truly capable of.  The loss of a loved one, changing jobs, getting promoted, moving to another city, getting married, divorced, having kids...  It's these type of life events that mold us.  Or rather, it's how we react to those moments that determine just how that mold will shape us.  God has set the path, but how will we walk it?  What will we do on that path?  Will we allow ourselves to reach potential?  Will we grow, learn, teach?  Will we give thanks for the moments?  Will we take what we are given and make it what it can be?  There are countless things, just in one day, that can knock us off our journey.  Then there is often that one thing, that one person, that one event that reminds us why we are on it in the first place.  If you are wondering where that moment is, it's that next corner, that next step, the next moment.  You know what it is, just stop and listen to what your heart is telling you.

Believe in the Unbelievable that us YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Be Free”

They say the truth sets you free. The truth is that freedom relies on your ability to be completely honest with yourself first. Pretending things don't exist won't eliminate them. Blaming others, making excuses, taking the easy way out won't help either! Facing, understanding, and bringing things to the forefront sets things in motion.  It puts us on the path to seeing things for what they really are meant to be.  It helps us see the whole picture.  It's that complete picture that enables that sense of freedom we are looking for, as it allows us the opportunity to deal with everything. Truth? Truth is we have the ability to convince ourselves of anything, but we must be willing to expose ourselves completely.  We must be willing to face ourselves and be open to who we are and if it's who we want to be. The truth will set you free? Only when you realize that you are the only one that is truly capable of holding yourself captive.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Daily BITUB- “A Reason”

Give yourself a reason to be.  To be better, complete, determined, motivated, empowered, committed, strong, open, vulnerable, caring, giving, loved!  Go ahead, pick one! Pick a reason.  Your husband, wife, children, parents, brothers, sisters, family, friends!  Maybe simply because you can!  Because you have the desire within.  Because you know that you have a purpose and nothing will stop you from achieving it.  Because you are surrounded by people with dreams that include you reaching yours! Because you are someone's inspiration and motivation!  Because you are someone's something and someone's everything.  Because your pursuit of happiness matters.  Because your light is supposed to shine.  Because you are one of God's creations and you want to show appreciation for His gift of life by living it!  Because you really don't need a reason other than you are you and you possess the ability to influence the outcome today, tomorrow, and always.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Influence Life”

You can analyze life all you want.  You can question, blame, doubt, accuse.   You can allow it to take you down and push you back. You can give yourself excuses as to why you can't!  You can even ignore the reality of the place you are standing.  You can dissect it, and I guarantee as you do you will find ways to let yourself off the hook.  I spent years doing it.  It was easier to convince myself I couldn't than ever having to attempt it.  Those were all choices.  Choices I was making.  It wasn't easy to realize just how influential I was in my own life.  Way more influential than I gave myself credit.  Way more than all the people and things I was attempting to blame.  It came down to understanding what it means to trust God and to believe in faith.  See, that's just it...  Faith finds its way to the surface.  It fights through the doubt and it gives strength even when you think you have none.  It comes when you need it most from others, from within, from God and His ever present blessings.  It comes when we choose to allow it, and at the end of the day it's faith that is going to be the starting point to Believing in the Unbelievable that is YOU! 

Have a blessed week! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Friday, February 16, 2018

Daily BITUB- “What’s Important?”

What's important to you today?  I mean, what got you out of bed and ready to take on the day?  Was it your job, your aspirations to grow in that job, your commitment to making your life better?  Was it your kids and the beauty of being able to be there for them today, and to build them a foundation for tomorrow?  Was it your spouse who you know supports your dreams, who comforts you when needed, who pushes you to reach your potential and inspires you as they push for theirs?  Maybe it was simply the beauty of a new day.  The opportunities that the day may bring.  The chance you might influence someone's life for the better.  The possibility you discover something about yourself you didn't know.  Whatever is important to you, let it be known.  Share it.  Commit to it.  Be passionate about it.  Go after it with all of you.  After all, if it's worth getting out of bed for then it's worth laying your head down at the end of the day, appreciating that you did all you could to show just how important it was.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Perception”

How powerful is perception?  Throughout my years of learning I have determined it's very powerful!  It is the difference in seeing a dead end street and finding an alternative route.  It is seeing hope in a seemingly hopeless situation.  It is looking at the problems before you as challenges and opportunities to come up with solutions!  It's being the positive in a room full of negative.  It's appreciating the lesson in falling short.  It's knowing that as hard as it is to see the blessing in your trying moments, it's there.  It's looking back at a past that may have been riddled with disappointment, and finding comfort that you made it through it all.  It's seeing the smallest specs of light in our darkest moments, and appreciating we can.  It's giving thanks to God for being with us throughout our journey and not questioning why He has placed the things He has on it.  It's looking at today and realizing whatever it is in front of us to face we are blessed for another day to be able to face it.   How powerful is perception?  You tell me. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that us YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Daily BITUB- “In Awe”

We are all traveling a journey that brings us to moments where we are blessed to stand in awe of God's creations. Where we are simply amazed by the beauty of people and inspired by the heart and soul of others. Yet no matter how beautiful it can be, the world seems to thrive in negativity sometimes. People latch on to it. They make it the excuse, the obstacle, the explanation to why they can't find their way. It becomes a deterrent to a dream and an anchor to their flight. Yet there are the few that focus on those moments of awe, no matter what. They shine in the dark and motivate others to do the same! They are surrounded by positive. They are the ones you can't wait to be around. The ones who tell you stories that give you hope. The ones who will stop their life to hold you so you know it's ok. The ones who you find in the crowded spaces of life and they make you feel like you are the only one in the room. The ones who see you for who you are and love all of you every day!  The ones who love the journey and openly thank God that you and they are blessed to travel it together. Those are the ones you should latch on to! Those are the ones that appreciate their journey and every day take the opportunity to stand in awe of life, faith, God's blessings, and YOU! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Relentlessly”

You know that it matters when your pursuit of it is relentless. The dedication, commitment and desire to have it out weighs the fear of what it will take to reach it!  The experiences are clearer and the path is wider!  Your journey takes you to the highest peaks where you realize that it's only the beginning of what you are capable of achieving!  The naysayers are your motivation and adversity is your inspiration. The valleys of life are where you harness your energy and the challenges are where you unleash your faith. Life is a gift from God as are His many blessings. We show appreciation of those gifts by living life with the many people we live for and those countless blessings we are privileged to be a part of. So be relentless and take the roads less travelled and experience them!  Take the roads often travelled and make them your own, and always be true to who you are!  That is where you will find the foundation to all of what you are capable of being! No matter what road you choose to take, take it relentlessly! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Daily BITUB- “How will we walk it?”

Throughout our lives we experience both physical and spiritual events that impact us.  Some are subtle and we may not even notice them until years later.  Some are immediate life changing moments that can make us pause, change course, even question where and why we are.  The reaction to those experiences is what matters most.  Do we curse them?  Do we embrace them?  Do we grow from them?  Do we look at those moments with the understanding that God is in control of the path and we are in control of how we will walk it?  There will always be moments of question.  There will always be moments where our faith waivers and we challenge the cross we must carry.  Just as those moments exist so do the moments where we get to show that our faith is enough.  That we are strong enough to deal with what ever cross we are to bear.  That we believe when it is seemingly impossible to believe. That we trust that God is leading us through whatever trials we must face.  We trust we can reach the blessings He has waiting for us when we get to that place He knows we need to be.  We will get there, but only when we understand that only He knows when we are ready to be there.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Friday, February 9, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Maybe”

If they seem a little frustrated, maybe they are having a tough day.  If they are tired, maybe they had so much on their mind they couldn't sleep.  If they seem lost, maybe they need a helping hand.  If they are negative, maybe they need your smile.  If they act like they are hurting, maybe they need your shoulder.  If they are worn down, maybe they need you to fight with and for them.  If they seem like they are doubting their ability to succeed, maybe they need to be reminded of the times that they already have.  If they miss someone, maybe they need your attention today.  If they can't keep moving forward, maybe they need you to help them get restarted.  If they don't remember God puts blessings in even the toughest lessons, maybe you can tell them something you have learned. If they seem like they don't believe in themselves, maybe they need you to believe in them.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Time”

It's hard to find the time to do it all.  Some things simply get lost in the shuffle of life. We find though, when time is of the essence, things we deemed important may not be as crucial as we thought. Truth is, what you thought was priority today simply may not be tomorrow. Is that ok? Sure it is!  Life changes so your perspective of what matters most may change as well. People, places, jobs, anything can change in an instant. That change that can shake us up sometimes finds us at the end of the day with realizations. Realizations that the most crucial priorities, the ones most dear to us, the most important people and aspects of life... Well those never change. Those remain a constant and are the ones who often share and support the exact same priorities we do. Somehow, someway, no matter how busy, how much life shakes us, no matter where we go or what we do - those beliefs, those people, are always priority! You'll know it because you will find that no matter what, you will always have whatever time they need, and so will they. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Hold It Up”

If you feel like your holding the world on your shoulders, then you should be grateful for the strength.  It's easy to feel like it's not fair, to question why you, to wish you didn't have to, but think about the reality of not everyone could carry such a load!  Not many would even be willing to try. Yet here you are with your faith, your trust in God, your belief that through Him all is possible holding up more than you ever thought you could.  You don't even notice how many people are inspired by your strength.  You overlook the people standing on that world your holding up with the confidence they too can hold up theirs.  We miss it so often.  The abundance of belief that simply is so much more powerful than the doubt.  The power of prayer, the determination in hope, the commitment in believing that God is giving us what we need.  We just have to do our part.  We have to live up to what we know in our hearts we should.  We have to take all we know and trust in God for what we don't, then push forward to be in that place we are supposed to be.  That place where we are exactly in the moment we want to be when Got determines we need to be!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Be Ready”

You have the dream.  You believe in the possibilities.  You know it matters and you know what it will mean to reach it.  It began in your heart.  It grows in your mind.  It is a part of your spirit!  Focus on priorities!  Focus on what is needed!  Put your energy into each moment.  Those moments are creating a stronger you and every day you grow stronger!  Negativity is simply a distraction!  Remember who you are and those distractions can become reactions that demand you be better.  Be ready to fight for your dreams.  Be ready for adversity! Stay mentally, physically, and spiritually fit.  God will never give us anything we can't handle, and in faith we should always be prepared to carry the cross He knows we need to. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Friday, February 2, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Every Moment”

Every moment is unique. What influences one person may not influence another.  What inspires someone may not inspire someone else. There are moments that impact us, situations that mold us, and things we will determine are best for us.  We can dissect the moment 1000 ways.  We can make it a learning experience that helps to develop our senses so we are ready when a similar situation arises. We can find our hidden strengths and exceed limitations when we encounter something that matters to us.  We can capture mental pictures of the good in each memory so that we may use them when we need comfort in those moments we are not at our best. Images to grasp that will allow us to remember and focus on the beauty we have experienced and the feeling of happiness those moments brought. All so that we can once again move forward in pursuit of that happiness that carries us through all of our endless possibilities...  where every moment is unique. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Don’t be fooled!”

Don't let anyone fool you.  There is a way to everything.  If it matters to you, then there isn't any obstacle that can deter you.  Sure you may be afraid, but don't let that fool you either.  If you have fear of the unknown, if you have fear of how hard it may be, that's a good thing!  Realize fear is strength.  It is a sign you understand that this moment is real, meaningful, and worth your emotion!  Take hold of those moments and use them to create experiences that will last you a lifetime.  These are the things that build character and shape the path to who we are and where we will ultimately be blessed to go!  As cliche as it may be, there is truth in the saying that nothing worth having is easy.  In fact, it can be extremely difficult.  It may take everything we have to carry on, but carry on we can, we will, and chances are we have before!  We may have to abandon those limitations we've set long ago! We may have to push ourselves harder than we thought possible.  We may have to believe when it seems impossible to believe.  Don't let anyone fool you - especially yourself.  You are capable of so much more than you think!  So why not give yourself a chance to show exactly what you are capable of doing?

Believe in the Unbelievable that is You and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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