Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Rock Bottom"

"I've hit rock bottom and I don't know where else to go!"  

That was the title of one of the emails I received recently.  As I read on I could visualize where they were because honestly I've been there.  

Confused, angry, disappointed and determined to give up for fear there really was nowhere to go and no one to turn to.  It's hard to understand in the moment, and questioning why often is the only thing we feel we can do.  Everyone goes through adversity... Trials are part of life and being grounded isn't by accident.  Faith is the answer.  Trusting God's plan even when we want to run away and hide.  Trusting that God can see when life is spiraling out of control so He puts us exactly where we need to be... The bottom-where that spiral stops!  It's there we can take a breath and start to get our footing!  After all that bottom is our foundation.  A place where we find the things we may have forgotten...  Our roots, values and priorities that drive us.  It's the place where we begin to see what and who our "rocks" are, and reminds us why we chose the foundations we did.  It's where you find out exactly where to go... Because there's nowhere to go but up.  There's nowhere to turn, but to God, to prayer and to the blessings He places in life.  Remember even in our darkest moments there are blessings.  Blessings that no matter where we are will be there to help us build up from the foundation of faith we were standing on before and are blessed to be standing on again.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

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