Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Just some thoughts... Development"

Just some thoughts... 

I am blessed to work and interact with a lot of different people day after day.  I find myself thinking about their development...  Not just what they can learn, but what they can teach, and then taking each moment in and observing best practices to emulate and to share.  Every person has that switch.  Finding it though takes time... But that passion exists within us all.  It drives us and helps us understand that we are all capable of reaching our personal and professional goals!  Helping others, as well as reminding myself, that we don't have to do it alone is a must!  It is easy to get caught up in why someone hasn't been given an opportunity, or why they haven't been coached, helped or given assistance in developing a plan... But instead of wondering about "why not" that energy is best spent in thinking why not NOW!  There is opportunity for those willing to pursue, dedicate and commit themselves to those opportunities!  That's part of the blessing of realizing that anyone can achieve those peaks...  And all of us would be equally blessed in helping one another climb them together!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "Put your Dreams in Motion" NOW AVAILABLE!
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