Thursday, December 4, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Faith"

God gets it. He understands exactly where you are.  He knows what you feel, what your thinking and what tomorrow will bring.  He knows you have doubts, fears and anxiety.  He knows you are questioning this place, this time and looking for clarity.  Thing it's not enough for Him to know...  We have to believe.  We have to believe when it's beyond reason to believe.  It's up to us to trust in the path no matter how hard it gets.  What do you think faith is all about?  It isn't something you get to have sometimes.  It's a blessing...  Ever evolving, growing and becoming stronger with each day.  You have it all the time.  Especially in those moments you think you don't.  Maybe you don't feel it, but faith finds its way into your life.  It can be subtle, but it's there.  You just have to pay attention to the good in your life.  It's there... Maybe in a quote you see, a picture that reminds you of a special time, the laughter of children reminding you of the importance of the journey, a scripture, a lesson, a quiet reflection... In the beauty of having those special people in your life that today can lend you their faith while you find yours.  Yes... It's there.  

God gets it...   He understands exactly where we are, which faith tells us is exactly where we should be.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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