Monday, December 8, 2014

Daily BITUB- "If"

If it were easy then maybe it wouldn't matter as much.  If it didn't hurt then maybe it wouldn't mean so much.  If you didn't fight then maybe it wasn't something you needed. If you didn't take the time to understand it then maybe you didn't really want it. If you didn't give your all maybe it was meant to be given elsewhere. Every situation and every instance demands we respond... That we face the consequences of our decisions-good and bad. Every opportunity we are presented with can be appreciated simply by acknowledging the potential in that opportunity to make a lasting impression on it and the people with in it. We decide the moments we want to make matter and just how much.  We will put emphasis on the things we know we should.  If you are questioning that dream, finding it hard to reach that goal, looking for the answers...  Take a moment and assess where you are.  Is it YOUR dream, YOUR goal, YOUR questions you are attempting to answer?  If your heart isn't in it then no matter what you do you won't be either!  Remember, let your heart set the path, faith be your guide and God be your companion...  Staying true to that you will find yourself on the exact path God intended you to travel. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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