Friday, January 16, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Make it Matter"

You always want to make the moment matter.  You want to influence the outcome of things.  You want to make your mark, create an impact, alter the course, create a lasting impression on others that is positive, influential and  motivating.  Maybe you never say it, but it's there and it should be. Sometimes you can get down on yourself when you don't do it.  Sometimes no matter what you do some won't allow it.  We can get caught up and spend time focused on those people rather than our goals and the positive we bring to the table.  Some people simply find negative in things and they look for the chinks in your armor.   They push back when you push forward.  Yes, those people exist for all of us and they can drain the good in situations.  Remember though as they point out the wrong there are so many willing to point out the right.  The people in your life that cherish you, love you, hold you, are blessed by you, think of you, support you, need you, care for you, trust in you!  You have already made the impact you often wonder if you did with them.  You have already given them exactly what they give you... Support for those wildest of dreams,  comfort for the hardest days, laughter when we all need it, and a shoulder when we will need it... And if you think you are not making a lasting impression on the naysayers in your life think again.  Your ability to continue forward to your goals is why they spend so much time focused on you.  The blessings of God and the gifts of adversity He places in your path are as much for you as it is for them.  They need you and He knows that!  So that maybe your ability to fight for what you believe will influence them to pick up their dreams and go to battle for themselves!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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